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"So has Eric asked you to the Prom?" Y/n asked her friend, Angela, as they sat at an open lunch table.

"No, not yet." Angela responded with a small pout. "I don't think he likes me like that."

Y/n began to giggle uncontrollably. "Oh, boy. You are oblivious!" She began to giggle some more but quickly stopped when her friend sent her a glare and a kick from beneath the table.

"Ow." Y/n exclaimed while Angela shrugged her off. "Eric's liked you since the second grade."

"He would have asked me already, Y/n/n." Angela cut her off. "Think about it prom is coming up and he hasn't asked me. In fact I haven't talked to him, its like he's avoiding me."

Y/n was going to respond but rather shut her mouth and smiled, nodding her head towards something behind Angela she simply stated, "and you really think he doesn't like you?"

Angela furrowed her brows, turning in her seat to see what Y/n was seeing. She let out a small gasp at the sight before her.

"Angela will you go to prom with me?" Eric asked as Mike held the poster for him and Jessica stood with roses besides the two boys. Quickly she handed Eric the flowers as Angela breathed out a small 'yes'.

"Young love." Jessica stated as she sat next to Y/n, wiping an imaginary tear away. Y/n rolled her eyes and chuckled at her dramatic friend.

Once their other friends joined them Jessica exclaimed about dress shopping towards the girls, and began to inform Mike about what color tux he should wear so they can match.

"I already have a dress." Y/n blurted out.

Jessica let out a small gasp. "What? I thought we were going to pick them out together. What does it look like?" She bombarded the h/c girl with questions all to which she responded with a 'you'll see it at the dance'.

"Oh, come on." Jessica said earning small chuckles from their friends.

"So, y/n?" Mike began. "You have a dress, what about a date? You can come with us if you don't, I'm sure Jess won't mind." He said with a small smile.

"I do have a date." Y/n said, ignoring how his smile fell but quickly composed himself.

"Oh?" Mike said forcing a smile as he quickly added, "that's good."

"Quil asked you?" Angela said smiling towards her friend.

"Yeah, in a way." The girl silently chuckled.

. . . ✿ . . .

After school Y/n got dropped off at her house by Angela's mom, who was kind enough to offer her a safe ride home. She walked inside to find Embry, Quil, and Jake playing video games in the living room.

"Hey." Tiffany greeted her niece as she walked out of the kitchen, cleaning her hands on a towel. "How was school?"

"Good." Y/n said dropping her bag near the couch. "Eric finally grew a pair and asked Angela to the Prom." She said as she reached over and ruffled Jakes hair.

"Wow." Tiffany said with a chuckle, watching the girl with a smile. "Pasta should be done soon." She said as she rushed back into the kitchen.

"Hey." Y/n said sitting on the couch in between Embry and Quil.

"Hi babe." Quil said as he allowed her to peck his cheek.

"Hey, Y/n where's mine?" Jake spoke from his spot next to Embry, earning himself a smack on the head and a 'shut up' from the couple. "Just kidding." He said rubbing his head. "Embry that hurt, man."

"Good." Embry said focusing on the screen.

"Good?" Jake gasped.

"And look at that, you made him lose." Y/n exclaimed as Jake's side of the screen went black.

"Aw man!" Jake said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ready to be beaten, Call?" Quil said not sparing his friend a glance.

"Oh, you're on Ateara!" Embry spoke quickly shoving the control into his cousins hand.

Y/n simply smirked. She had played the game many times with Embry, and every time she had managed to beat him. "Oh, shit's about to go down." Jake said bouncing in his seat, watching as the two Call's exchanged knowing smirks.

It only took less than five minutes for Quil's screen to go black, while the opposite screen claimed victory.

"Embry, I thought we were friends." Quil said throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

"We are," Embry began. "But that wasn't me." He grinned, noticing how Quil had no clue he had swapped his place with the girl.

"What?" Quil asked confused. His chocolate eyes shifted towards the small figure sat in between them, in return she looked up at him with a proud smile.

"You just got beat by a girl." She giggled.

"Whatever." He replied crossing his arms over his chest in an attempt to get her to feel sorry for him and apologize. But she simply jumped up from the couch and began to chant 'I won, I won'.

"Better luck next time, pal." Embry said patting his friend on the shoulder watching his cousin jump around.

"I gotta say Quil." Y/n said with a smile. "You did better than Embry, he doesn't last a good minute before I beat him."

Her statement caused Jake to laugh out loud and make Embry's ears red. Quil watched his friend as he tried to shut her up causing him to laugh along side Jake, who by now had tears in his eyes.

"Oh boy, you both suck." Jake said in between his laugh.

"How bout you try?" Embry and Quil shouted causing Jake to stop laughing.

"Ok, fine." He said reaching for the control.

A phone began to ring, "who's phone is that?" Jake asked.

"It's mine." Embry said as he answered it.

Just as quick as he answered he had hung up and with a serious face he turned towards the shifters. "Sam called an emergency gathering right now."

The other two boys stood up bidding goodbye to the small girl who stood in front of the tv with a pout. "Maybe next time." Jake said to her. "On a scale of one to ten how bad is this emergency?"

"I'd say ten?" Embry said grabbing his shoes. "Cold one's were sighted on our land, again."

Quil quickly pecked Y/n on the lips before walking out behind Jake and Embry.

"Dinners rea-" Tiffany said walking into the living room after a couple minutes. "Where'd they go?" She asked the h/c girl noticing how it was only her on the couch watching tv.

"Umm, I think Sam's to work on a project." Y/n lied.

"Why didn't they just work on it here?" Tiffany asked watching as Y/n shrugged. "Hmm, well more food for us." She said walking back into the kitchen with Y/n hot on her heals.

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