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"Another bonfire?" Y/n asked Embry. The boy leaned against her door frame, he nodded his head with a smile. "Did the Cullen's trigger it?"

"Something like that." Embry responded. Y/n began to pick out a warm jacket, "Leah and Seth were bound to phase soon, Y/n/n. The Cullen's did manage to trigger someone else's though."

Furrowing her brow the girl asked, "who's?"

"I dunno." Embry shrugged. "Sam didn't say. Now, do you want to go or not?"

"Yeah, I'll go." Y/n grabbed a blanket, knowing how cold she would get. "I wanted to hang out with you either way." She grinned.

Embry scoffed, "that's a lie." He walked away, ignoring the small hum of agreement she gave him.

The Call's arrived at the bonfire, Leah and Seth occupied a log away from the couples but still close enough to receive some heat from the fire. "Hello." Y/n greeted both siblings, deciding to sit with them instead of the spit swappers.

"He's not here yet?" Embry asked Leah.

"No, Sam said he'd be late." She responded scooting over to give the boy some space to sit on.

"Who's late?" Y/n whispered towards Seth.

"Hey guys." A figure spoke as it approached the group.

"Him." Seth whispered back.

"Quil?" The girl asked.

The boys ears perked up at the sound of his name being spoken by a soft voice. "Y/n/n?" Quil's eyes fell on the girl, the boy was struck in awe, her doe like eyes seemed to glisten with the the small fire, the ocean breeze made her h/l h/c hair blow making her look beautiful.

For the boy himself it was no secret she was beautiful, she was simply captivating. Quil had thought Y/n was an angel sent from above, since they were kids all Quil wanted was to have a chance with the girl. He was afraid, terrified that his best friend would not accept it or be pleased to know how he felt about his cousin. 

What Quil didn't know was that Embry knew, he's known for the longest. Embry had known since before Quil could admit to himself how he felt about Y/n. The eldest Call also knew how Y/n felt about Quil, so it was no surprise to him that Quil had indeed imprinted on Y/n.

Y/n watched as her name fell off his lips, his smile was soft, and the chocolate brown eyes he sported seemed to twinkle as they fell on her. The boy only smiled wider, grinning from ear to ear.

Sam cough awkwardly, breaking both teens out of their trance. "Well then, I want to welcome Leah, Seth, and Quil to the wolf pack." Embry, Jared, and Paul began to let out hoots and hollers.

After the boys settled down Quil found himself making his way towards the Call's and the Clearwater's.

"Hey Quil." Seth greeted, patting the space between him and Y/n. "How's it going?"

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Embry asked curiously.

"Yeah." Seth stated with a toothy grin. "He got into a fight with this douche who kept picking on me about two weeks ago."

"Was that the same fight you got grounded for and missed out on the movies?" Y/n asked the boy.

"Uh, yeah, it was." Quil responded sheepishly.

"I totally had everything under control but he wanted to get a good punch in, you know?" Seth spoke.

"Oh, please." Quil shook his head with a laugh.

"You can't even defend yourself against me!" Leah exclaimed.

"That's not true," he shook his head towards the group. "Leah's scary how could I defend myself?"

The oldest sibling let out a scoff at her younger brother, "whatever, we gotta get home. See you guys later." Embry stood up along the Clearwater's mumbling about making sure they got home, leaving both Y/n and Quil alone.

"Do you, umm, wanna go for a walk?" Quil asked nervously.

"Sure, I'm bringing my blanket." Y/n chuckled to herself making the boy smile.

The two walked in silence, until Y/n broke it, "I think this is the second time I say this but when someone asks to go for a walk-"

"It's because they have something to say." Quil finished with a small grin. "I know, Y/n/n."

They had stopped walking standing a few feet from each other. "There's something I want to admit, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time." Quil rubbed his palms together as an attempt to get rid of his nervousness and the sweat that began to form on them.

"Okay, here it goes." He mumbled. "I've liked you ever since Embry made me eat that mud pie, we were seven. You laughed so hard you started to cry, I nearly puked but I didn't care as long as I got to see you smile. Over the years you grew and so did my crush for you, I was so scared to say something sooner. I didn't want you to see me as your cousins friend, hell, I'm more scared of Embry when he finds out. I just want you to know how I feel about you. And tonight I-" He paused, taking a deep breath.

"Tonight, I imprinted on you. I'm sure you know what that is, and its cool if you see me as a brother or a fr-" Quil was suddenly cut off, only to be met with soft lips against his own.

Y/n had managed to gather all her courage and kissed the boy she's had a crush on for the longest time. Pulling away, she smiled at Quil, "I like you too."

The boy smiled like a child in a candy shop. "I want to take you out on a date, if that's fine with you?"

Blushing ferociously, Y/n nodded. "I'd love that."

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