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this was longer than i expected, word count: 1,807. i got carried away, lol. hope you enjoy it. <3

"I still think you should stay here with Emily." Quil admitted, running a hand through his hair as he stared at the girl before him. "What if something happens to you? I won't forgive myself, Y/n/n."

"I'll be fine," she smiled, attempting to reassure both of themselves. "Esme said I don't have much scent, I should be fine if I'm hidden in the forest."

"Don't have much scent?" He exclaimed, "I can smell you before I can even walk into your bedroom."

"But we can't, strangely enough, only you can." Paul stated. "She can help mask Bella's scent. Plus, we'll have Seth near her hiding spot if anything happens."

Quil shook his head at the two, "no, no way."

"Quil, just trust me." Y/n pleaded, "I'll be okay." He stared at her, pondering in his thoughts before smiling slightly and agreeing.

As they made their way outside Quil had taken ahold of Seth's shoulder, pulling him back with a serious look. "I don't care if you are my pack brother, but I swear to you I will kill you myself if something happens to her."

Seth smiled, "what happened to being chocolate sweet?" Quil remained unfazed, causing the younger boy to clear his throat. "Right, I will take care of her." He stated, refusing to meet his eyes.

. . . ✿ . . .

The Cullen's stood in formation, Esme had an anxious feeling. She feared that they, themselves, alongside the wolves would be no good match against the newborn army. She hoped they would all walk away safely, she wasn't one to believe in a God, nor pray. But today she prayed they would be okay, including the girl she had grown so fond of.

Rosalie had sent her a reassuring smile as they heard the newborns speed their way. They came quick, slight blurs of colored clothing heading in their direction.

When they spotted the first couple of newborns head out of the trees and into the clearing, they too had begun to run in their direction. Esme had noticed they were outnumbered, a blonde female had taken a hold of her hair, pulling her as if she were in a cat fight.

In that moment the wolves had appeared, causing the blonde to stumble back in shock. This gave Esme the opportunity to strike back and attack her.

Victoria had watched as the wolves fought against her army, though she had noticed neither Bella or Edward were in the fight. With the help of Riley she had managed to find the place in which the pair was hiding.

"Someone's hurt?" Bella asked.

Edward stood beside Bella, freezing in his place as he heard Victoria's thoughts. "She's close. I can hear her thoughts." He spoke worriedly, "Seth, go."

The shapeshifter turned and ran off. Bella, afraid, stood to stand closer to Edward, allowing him to hold her. "She knew we weren't there, she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me."

"She found us." Bella shook her head slightly.

"She's not alone." Edward confessed, watching as Riley came out from behind a tree.

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