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Esme walked out towards the back porch, a tea cup in hand as she approached the h/c girl. Her eyes watched as the girl let her own eyes roam around the green trees that made up the dark woods. She frowned, wishing she had her son's ability to peak into her mind to know what's going on inside of it.

Setting the cup down, Esme smiled warmingly. The girl returned her attention towards the woman, a smile across her own face. "What's on today's agenda, Esme?"

"I was thinking we can just talk. How are you holding up?" Esme asked.

With a huff Y/n leaned back, "I was hoping I could burn something today."

Nearly choking on her drink, Esme looked at her with a shocked expression. "Burn? As in fire? You can manipulate fire?"

"No," Y/n shook her head with a pout, "I don't think so. I mean one time at Emily's I tried preheating the oven but I had managed to smoke up the kitchen."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you are able to somehow produce fire. I am aware that there are fire Nymphs, though they are extremely rare." Esme informed her.

"I doubt my mom was one, dad said I was able to manipulate water and earth as a kid." Y/n shrugged, "and I'm pretty sure Emily's stove is old as," she leaned in, whispering, "Jasper."

Esme couldn't help but crack a smile at the girl. "How are you feeling about this upcoming battle? I haven't had the chance to ask."

Y/n frowned, "I wish we can just talk it out, but with my last encounter with Riley- I don't think they are willing to back down."

Esme reached her hand out, placing it atop of the girl's own. "I won't let anything happen to you."

. . . ✿ . . .

Quil let out a small sigh, wrapping his arms around the girl besides him and pulling her close. "We should probably leave soon."

The h/c girl snuggled up to his side, "no, I'm too comfortable to move right now." She groaned.

"Me too." He chuckled, "But my grandpa will leave without us, I don't like it when he's out late."

The girl sat up, attempting to make her hair look presentable. "You're right, come on." She smiled pulling him out of bed.

"Finally," Old Quil stated, watching the teens walk into the living room. "I was this close," he held up his hand, nearly pinching his thumb and forefinger together, "to leave you."

"Sorry, pops." Quil apologized. He opened the door and followed his grandfather and girlfriend down to the beach.

The counselors of the tribe had organized a gathering to inform the newest members of the pack about the Quileute legends. As they approached the group, Quil noticed they had already started the fire. Most of the pack members were seated on one side with their imprints, meanwhile the counselors were seated on the opposite side.

Old Quil took a seat besides Billy, making space for Quil and Y/n to sit besides him. Embry grabbed a long stick and began to poke the fire, ignoring Leah's nudges to stop. The boy dropped the stick into the fire, sending her a funny face before nodding his head towards his cousin with a small smile.

"Jake!" Seth called out, standing up and approaching the said male. Bella stood awkwardly, letting her eyes roam before stopping on her friend. A smile spread as she recognized Y/n.

"I thought the legends were secret, grandpa." Quil whispered, watching as Jake introduced Bella to the group.

"They are, son. They are mainly meant for counselors, shapeshifters and their imprints." The oldest Quil replied.

Cleaning his throat, Billy began, "the Quileutes have been the smallest tribe from the beginning. But we have always had magic in our blood."

"Taha-Aki," Old Quil continued, "led the tribe for many, many years and did not age. Taha Aki fathered many sons; some of these found that, after they had reached the age of manhood, they too, could transform into wolves. The wolves were all different, because they were spirit wolves and reflected the man they were inside."

"So that's why Sam is all black," Quil grinned, whispering towards Y/n and his pack leader. "Black heart, black fur."

With a scoff Sam shook his head, "and your Chocolate Fur reflects what?"

"How sweet he is." Y/n replied, leaning into the blushing boy.

"We are great spirit warriors, shapeshifters, that transform to the powerful wolf. This enables us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe." Billy stated glancing at each and every one. "One day our warriors came across a creature that looked like a man, but he was hard like a stone; cold as ice."

"Our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire completely destroyed it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone, and they were right. She took her revenge out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha-Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe. After his son was killed, Taha-Aki's third wife had seen that he would lose. The third wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one... courage."

"The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha-Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time our enemies have disappeared, but one remains. The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they're near and we sense it now. We feel the threat in our blood." Billy spoke, watching the flames dance around.

"Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready." Old Quil said, glancing towards the young woman who was besides his grandson. "All of us."

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