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'Taking a short cut through the woods probably wasn't the best idea'. The y/h/c thought to herself.

She had been making her way home from a party, though it was not in the woods. Charlie Swan, a close family friend, had invited y/n to his daughters 'welcome home party' as a means to get her to be social and reconnect with old friends. The girl had kindly offered to set up the small gathering, nothing too extravagant.

She didn't expect to leave the Swan residence at such a late time. The dark sky was now illuminated brightly by the moon, casting a glowing like aura to shine towards the small girl as she stepped over a small branch. The night breeze made the girl shiver causing her to pull her thin sweater closer to her shaking body.

Pulling out her phone to check the time she silently cursed, mumbling "my dad is going to kill me."

As she continued her walk she couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. Picking up her pace she felt goosebumps building along her arms, not knowing if it was due to the night breeze or the footsteps she heard from behind her.

'This is it. This is how it ends'. She thought to herself.

Turning around to face her predator she let out a small gasp as she came face to face with her cousin, Embry Call.

"Em, you scared me." She breathed out. "What are you doing out here?"

"I can ask you the same thing, y/n." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes. "I was making my way home from the Swan's." She paused. "Had to take the short cut through here if I wanted to get home quicker."

He nodded his head. "Well I just finished patrolling. Sam said he sensed something and well guess its just you."

"She must have passed the Cullen's, its no wonder she smells like leech." A voice added from behind the girl.

Turning, the girl came to find a boy y/n recognized as Jared Cameron and beside him stood Sam Uley. "Smells like a ... what?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing." Sam spoke as he sent Jared a harsh glare.

'Geez, if looks could kill.' Y/n though as she looked at Embry's new friends.

"Come on, we should get home, y/n/n." Embry said tugging her arm and silently bid the boys 'goodbye'.

. . . ✿ . . .

A faint knock on the door woke the small girl, she squinted at the door as an attempt to focus her eye sight. "Come in." She spoke in a raspy voice.

"Good morning, honey." Her dad spoke peaking his head inside before moving towards her bed.

"Morning dad," Y/n spoke rubbing the sleep away from her doe eyes, "sorry for coming home so late last night."

"It's alright, just don't do it often. I was once a teenager too, your grandma hated me in my teenage years." He chuckled. "Says I'm the reason she got grey hairs at a young age."

Reaching over he ruffled the girls hair, walking to the door as he informed her, "get dressed. Your aunt Tiff and Embry are having breakfast with us."

"I'll be out soon." Y/n said as she jumped out of bed and towards her closet.

Once done the girl made her way to the living room, quietly she walked to try to hear the conversation her father and aunt were having. The floor board beneath her had other plans, it creaked rather loudly making her cringe and earning the attention of the two, including Embry who was in the kitchen trying to find food.

"Finally, sleeping beauty has awaken." Tiffany teased, waving her arms in a dramatic manner.

"Why hello to you too? I've been great, thanks for asking." Y/n said sarcastically.

Tiffany approached her niece, bringing her into a tight embrace she informed her brother. "She's got sass, Enzo."

"Yeah? Well you know what I got?" Embry asked walking out of the kitchen. "I've got hunger!"

"Ok, ok. Let's get going." Enzo said. Glancing at Embry he mumbled, "and you've got your mothers impatience."

Deciding to eat at the Carver Cafe, the four were seated right away. The girl let her y/e/c eyes roam around the small cafe, trying not to look like a stalker. Her eyes noticed a table where the jocks sat, despite it being the weekend they still hang out. The table besides the Call's was occupied by a small family eating peacefully, though the younger children threw food at each other with out their parents knowing.

The y/h/c finally let her eyes settle on the two brunets who sat in the corner, a father and his daughter. The girl looked up causing y/n to wave to her, rather than looking like a deer caught in the headlights she managed to play it off with a friendly wave. The girl waved back and y/n smiled towards her father, motioning him towards the two Swan's who greeted the Call's.

. . . ✿ . . .

"David's father has three son's. Snap, Crackle, and-?" Embry asked y/n as the two wandered the woods.

"David." Y/n answered his lame riddle. "I've got one. What room do ghosts avoid?"

He pondered in thought. "Oh, umm, the living room?"

"Yes." She said trailing behind him. "Hey, I think its going to rain." She said looking at the now dark grey sky.

"Looks like it." Embry said following her gaze towards the somber sky. "We should go back, don't want you catching a cold."

"Me? If anything you hate colds, remember when you got sick last winter and had to shower every three hours all because you 'felt icky'?" Y/n said laughing lightly, earning a chuckle from the boy.

The two walked in comfortable silence, but y/n had a burning question that she had been longing to ask him. "Em, what did Jared mean by leech?"

He visibly tensed at the question but answered none the less. "I-I don't know." He shrugged, though she knew all too well he was lying.

After Embry phased, the boy had been spending less time at home and began to lie more often. Y/n had asked many questions about his change, he would only brush her off and say it was best if she didn't know. He wanted to keep her away from it, especially from the cold ones.

The first time he had phased she was out in the backyard when he stated he didn't feel good. He began to shake and she grew worried. The worried look on her face was one that would haunt him, he phased in front of the girl when Sam and Jared barged into the Call home and explained everything to the pair.

Y/n was lost in her thoughts when all of a sudden she began to notice the rain falling from the dark sky. The younger Call's sped up to get home, passing the Black house on their way. The girl noticed Jacob and Quil hanging out in the garage. Embry frowned slightly before ushering her to keep up.

Y/n knew it killed him to be missing out, the three boys were inseparable. Embry didn't want to cut them off but he knew it was only to protect them and himself. Jacob and Quil were sad when they saw Embry hanging out with Sam and Jared, they felt replaced. This caused Embry to recieve harsh glares and dirty looks from the two, Embry wished he could say something. Though the thought of them calling him a monster stopped him from approaching the two boys.

Y/n noticed Embry's frown, causing her to let out an inaudible sigh.

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