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Y/n was whacked. Not physically but mentally. Upcoming finals had teachers shoving study guide packets into their students hands, bidding them a good luck and sending them on their way.

When school was out Y/n wandered towards the back double door exit that led to the now empty soccer field. Letting out a small sight she managing to dodge a mud puddle and passed the field, walking into the woods.

Everyone knew that the shortest and quickest way towards La Push Beach or the Rez was through the woods. So nobody questioned the h/c girl as her small figure vanished from sight.

Humming a tune to a song she heard at the pep rally, she nearly missed the soft steps coming from the direction she was heading into.

Oh, my... deer?

A deer stood with its head held high. Nearly gasping aloud, Y/n's hands fumbled as she reached towards her backpack, quietly taking out a used school camera. Silently thanking her photography teacher for allowing her to take it home. Her fingers worked at a rapid speed, attempting to get the lens into focus.

But before she could, the hoofed mammal had run off in the opposite direction. Y/n pulled the camera from her pouting face, "where are you going?" The girl huffed.

"Sorry 'bout that. I didn't mean to scare it off." A male voice addressed her.

Y/n noticed a young boy, roughly around her age standing where the deer previously stood. His smile was apologetic, and somewhat familiar.

"It's alright, they tend to run off on their own at times." The girl assured him.

"Well, either way, I'm sorry." He smiled at her.

Y/n stared at him, "you're on my milk."

"Excuse me?" He asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

"You know, when people go missing they usually put their pictures on the local paper or on the milk cartons." Y/n explained.

He laughed lightly. "I'm not missing if I'm here now, right?"

"You are to the people you aren't with right now." Y/n mumbled.

"I suppose." He stared at her.

Y/n shrugged him off, walking around the boy and making her way towards the Rez as he called out.

"What's your name?" He asked, falling into step besides her.

"Y/n Call." She extended her hand for him to shake. "Yours?"

"Riley Biers." His cold hand reached out, wrapping it around her warm hand.

Y/n didn't say anything when she felt his cold hand met hers. Rapidly removing her hand out of his grasp, she revealed a small smile to cover her fear. "I should really get home, I'm expected."

He smiled in return, "I do hope to see you again, Y/n."

. . . ✿ . . .

"Hello, Joy." Y/n greeted the woman. Joy smiled at the sight of the girl, ushering her inside.

"Hey, he's still asleep, but I think its about time he wakes up." She informed the younger girl, nodding her head towards her son's bedroom.

Y/n giggled lightly, making her way to his room. Upon opening the door she noticed school books littered in the floor. He had a small desk in the corner of his room, but it was barely visible due to the clothing thrown over it. He had a twin sized bed pushed aside next to the wall where the window was. On the right side of the bed stood a dark brown nightstand.

And on the bed laid the russet, curly haired boy.

Smiling softly at the sight, Y/n walked besides the bed; tugging on the soft locks he sported. He opened his eyes lazily, "hi, Y/n/n."

Before Y/n could respond, Quil had wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into bed with him. "Quil, I came to wake you up. Not sleep with you."

"I wasn't planning on sleeping with you... but now that you mentioned it." The boy spoke with a smirk.

"Quil!" Y/n jumped off the bed, a deep red blush adorned on her cheeks.

The boy laughed at her nervous state, sitting up against his headboard. "I'm only messing with you," he patted the spot in between his legs, "come on. I don't bite, unless you want me to."

Y/n turned away, face growing hotter by the second. Quil frown slightly, getting up and hugging her from behind, placing his head on her shoulder. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's fine." Y/n turned in his arms, pecking his lips. "Is that a fish?" She asked taking notice of the small bowl sitting atop his messy desk.

"Oh, yeah. Had it for awhile." He said as she walked towards it.

"Well, where is it?" Y/n tapped the glass lightly, but no fish revealed it self.

"Don't know." Quil said, throwing a shirt on. "It stays hidden under at thing there." He pointed to the small cave that was placed in the bowl.

"It?" Y/n asked. "You never named it?"

"Umm, no?" He spoke shyly.

"What? Why not?" Y/n looked inside the bowl, trying to pry the creature out of hiding.

"Well, I don't know if it's a chick or a dude."

. . . ✿ . . .

"Is this really necessary?" Quil asked, holding the door of the pet shop open.

"Yes, now come on." Y/n ushered him, holding the fish bowl securely in her hands.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" An elder lady spoke, beaming at the sight of the young couple. She then watched as the girl placed the bowl onto the counter.

"Umm, we were wondering if you could tell us if this is either male or female." Y/n said. "And the type of fish it is, if that's possible."

"Well, it's definitely male. You see they tend to have slimmer, yet larger bodies. And the colors look more vibrant." The woman spoke, pulling out a small book and showing the young teens images. "And he's a guppy."

"Thank you, ma'am." Quil spoke, taking his fish bowl off the counter and leading Y/n out the shop.

"So, now that you know it is a male what are you going to name him?" Y/n asked as she looped her arm through his, leaning towards the shifter to gain some warmth.

"Hmm, how about Shadow?" He suggested looking inside the bowl.

"I like it, don't you... Shadow?" The h/c girl cooed at the hidden creature. Both teens lost in their small talk, unaware of the blood red eyes watching their every move.

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