on the run

825 19 3

Natasha's pov

"What about this bench?" I asked hopefully. We'd been on the run for weeks now with only two encounters with the red room.

"Mmm no it's out in the open they could spot us when we sleep." I groaned then suddenly I panicked.

"Red room!" I screamed, I scarpered up a tree and missed the tranquilliser by mere inches but y/n wasn't as lucky. She dodged the tranquilliser alright but one of the adults grabbed her. Before they could shut her up she screamed in Russian, a language only we could understand,

 "иди в большое здание!" (Go to the big building!) 

The red room looked around for me but gave up quickly, they had y/n and that would lure me back to them. The sadness that had filled my body dissipated and I was now filled with rage. I ignored what y/n had said and I ran after her in stealth mode. I arrived at the red room the same time as y/n but waited an hour until it was dark. In that time I bought some more clothes and then I snuck into the building.

 I found her alone strapped to a table her hair sticking to her face. The face I loved. I snuck in, undid the straps and we took off. She had been injected with some sort of liquid and so I had to help her walk but I didn't care, I clutched onto her body like my life depended on it. Suddenly she yelled "stop!" I stopped and she dragged herself to the phone box she dug some change out of her pocket and dialled a number. I could make out a few words from the other line.

 "Привет?" (hello?)

"мне нужна ваща помощь." (i need your help.)

I heard a muffled voice say something like i'll be right here or he'll be right here.

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