Where is it?

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y/ns pov

I was about to run to Tony when I was grabbed. Thanos covered my mouth and dragged me away from the commotion. The same blue-black smoke appeared and we were in his ship. He let go of me and I fell to the floor breathing heavily. I was then thrown across the room and hit the wall by an invisible force. I looked up and saw the alien we had decapitated gesturing to me.

"That was for beheading me!" I then understood that the force was from the alien. Suddenly hands were wrapped around my neck. They were cold and... metal. I looked towards Thanos and uttered what I thought would be my last words,

"You will never win!" Suddenly I was dropped and I got up and drew my knifes. I charged at Thanos and threw one of the blades. It sliced through the air and stopped inches from Thanos' head. I winced as the blade flew back at me and buried itself in my thigh.

 I was left in a crumpled heap on the floor, two more dagger wounds in the back of my knee. Thanos came to me twice in two hours and asked me only one thing,

"Where is the mind stone?" When I didn't answer he left, not inflicting any harm. When my wounds stopped bleeding and I could stand I walked over to Thanos and said,

"They'll come for me." He gripped my arm and dragged me to a new room I was pushed onto an operating table. He wrapped some cloth over my mouth so I couldn't speak and strapped me down. Empty glass syringes were placed inches above my skin. A single tear trickled down my cheek and as the fabric absorbed it Thanos said, 

"And you're sure you don't just want to tell me?" I spoke through the fabric 'it's in visions head!' over and over again but with my bindings it came out as a muffled scream. Thanos undid the fabric as the first round of needles pierced my skin. My screams echoed around the room and as the syringes were removed they were filled with a red liquid that was my blood.

"See the average human can lose about... four pints of blood. That my friend was two whole pints! But... you are no ordinary human are you? You're a goddess are you not? Lets see how much blood a goddess can lose shall we?" I shook my head and managed to say through my sobs of pain that,

"The... stone... is... in Vis..." My head drooped and so Thanos gripped my jaw and yelled at me.

"Its.. in Visions head." Thanos threw my head back on the table and let go of me.

"Now little one, you're very helpful. You know the Avengers tricks don't you?" I sat there not moving. "And if I want your help again you're going to need to be alive so... why don't we give you your blood back?" My eyes lit up and Thanos grinned. "Or we could leave you to bleed out?" I whimpered and screamed as he dropped the countless syringes holding my blood to the floor. They shattered and I let tears slip from my eyes. Thanos called for his assistant to track down Vision as he left me on the operating table. An hour later I was moved to a cell surrounded by Thanos's other captors. I smiled feebly at my cell mate who just shook its head and let its tears fall to the ground. 

An hour later I heard a burst of speech and I looked out my cell and saw people fading, melting away into dust. I looked to my side and saw my cell mate slowly crack until it disappeared. I looked down at my own hands which where shaking badly. Waiting. I waited and waited for hours on end until Thanos' voice appeared.

"Ahhh you're still here. Shame."

"What did you do?" I yelled. Then I thought of Natasha. "I-is she gone?" I said in a small voice.

"Who miss Romanoff? Dead." And with that he walked off. I dragged my limp body to the darkest corner and sang to myself.

You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you

"I will avenge you Natasha. I swear on the stars of Celeste"

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