pancakes and syrup

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sorry its short

loki's pov 

Mischief. That's what i'm the god of so of course I was going to cause some. When I ran away from y/n. When they were all eating their pancakes I poured some syrup down Buckys shirt and on his metal arm as I walked by.

"Who put syrup down my shirt?!" Bucky yelled.

"What?" y/n said.

"Syrup. Shirt. Angry." Bucky yelled.

"Well if you're already sticky then..." y/n squirted syrup all over him "A bit more syrup won't hurt." y/n laughed.

y/ns pov

Suddenly I felt something cold and sticky trickle down my neck. Bucky was holding a syrup bottle and I growled.

"JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES" He giggled and ran away. I summoned another bottle and then it hit me. Loki.

"You... fucking son of odin... LOKI!"

"Yes sister..." I uncapped the bottle and doused him with syrup, put two pancakes on top of his head, sprayed whipped cream on top and threw on some blueberries for good measure. As I walked off I was slapped in the face by a blueberry pancake and I grinned.

"Whoever did that is going to pay!" I ran towards Nat who was smirking and jumped on top of her. Soon enough we were both covered in syrup blueberries and whipped cream.

"What the hell happened to my kitchen???" Tony looked at bucky and loki and grimaced, "Its too early for this i'll just buy a new one."

"I'm going to take a shower." Nat said 

"I'll join you." I said and we ran off as soon as Tony turned to face us. Our giggles echoed through the hallways as we ran into our room.


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