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Y/ns POV

Scott had explained his plan and it seemed impossible. He and hope would have to work non stop in the lab to recreate the Pym particle which would eventually take us back in time to get the stones before Thanos then... SNAP. Everyone else is back! Hopefully he's gone as well but that would be another five years of research. Yes five years, it had now been two years and the plan would be put to action in three. Natasha and i had been happily married for the two years but i was craving something else. If we only had three more years i wanted to live them to the fullest.

"Hey hun?" I looked at Natasha who was buried in her studies of the stones

"Yeah?" She looked up and smiled at me curled up on the sofa with a book and a  cup of Tea.

"I want a kid." I threw out the sentence as if it was nothing though it knew it could make or break our relationship. She smiled so wide i thought her face might break. She dropped her studies and ran over to me, jumping on me and hugging me so tight i thought i might break. 

"Yes, yes, yes! Ok we'll go to the orphanage tomorrow!" I nodded into her chest and then she got up and dragged me into our room.

"Cuddles? It is already eleven."

"Eleven PM?!"


"Oh we better go cuddle then mustn't we!" She giggled and we climbed into bed, her resting her head on my chest. I smiled and stroked her hair. "JARVIS can you play our wedding song?"

"Of course y/n hidden in the sand playing now." We drifted to sleep listening to the hums of Tally Hall.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" I opened my eyes slowly to she a fully dressed Natasha stuffing stuff into I her purse. "Oh thank god we have to be there in twenty minutes!"

"Why? It's an orphanage we don't have time slots!"

"That's when it opens to us..." Natasha's said under her breath

"Uhh what was that?"

"I said that's when it opens to us!" My eyes narrowed and i glanced at the clock

"It's 7:10! Natasha I told you not to wake me up before 8:00!"

"To late now! Now hurry up and get dressed!" I groaned and got dressed. As i walked past the front door towards the kitchen i was pushed outside and into the car.

"Uhh excuse me i need my caffeine buzz!"

"Oh we'll stop for breakfast on the way back!" 

"Fine! How long is the journey?"

"Half and hour why?"

"Half an hour of sleep!" I curled into a ball in the passengers seat and dozed off.

"We're here y/n." Natasha said as she unplugged my seatbelt and kissed my forehead.

"Okey dokey! I'm so excited!" She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Hi we are here to Adopt and donate!" I said to the lady at the front desk who smiled and led us into a play room 

"Okay so what gender are you looking for and also the age please."

"Girl please." I said 

"Between four and six please." Natasha said

"Okay ill go fetch the girls!"

"Thank you." I said. Soon she came back with a young girl about five, ribbons in her braids and wearing a blue plaid dress. 

"Hi sweetie!" Natasha crouched to the girls level and smiled

"Hi my name is Julie!"

"Hi Julie!" I said, sitting on the floor 

"Okay I'll leave you to it for a bit. I will be back in around twenty minutes?"

"Lovely." I said "so Julie what do you like to do?"

"I like to read and colour."

"Ooh what do you read?" Natasha asked as Julie sat on her lap. 

"I read comics about the avengers! Black widow and (superhero name) are my favourites oh and Tony stark. I heard about him on the telly." She smiled and picked up the comics about us.

"Do you want to know a secret?" She nodded vigorously "we are black widow and (superhero name)!" Natasha whispered

"Really!" We nodded our heads "do you want to see my drawing of you guys?"

"We'd love to!" I said.

After about twenty minutes we knew she was the one, she was the kid. So we told her to wait in the play area and that we'd be back in a minute. 

"Hi is everything okay?" The lady at the desk asked.

"Yes everything is perfect. How many forms do we have to fill out to adopt Julie?"

"Just a couple, I'm sure she would be thrilled if you took her in! Her parents were killed in the Sokovia attack but you, the avengers actually saved her life! Wanda Maximoff held up the ceilings of her house long enough for her to escape!"  We smiled and grabbed a pen ready to sign the documents.

"Glad we could be of assistance!" I said as we filled out the last form.

"Julie! Hunny can you come here!" I said and soon she was bounding out of the playroom her comics in hand.

"Am i going back to my room?" She said a sad glint in her eyes.

"No actually your coming home with us!" Natasha said. Her eyes lit up and her jaw dropped

"Oh thank you so much mummy! Oh no can i call you that?"

"Of course sweetie!" I said as i grabbed her hand and we walked to the car, Julie in between us. We drove home and stopped of at the toy shop and bought Julie some toys as well as buying my coffee and some parenting things Pepper had recommended. Soon we were pulling up outside the tower and when we got out of the car Julie squealed with happiness at the sight of streak tower.

"Now this Julie is your home!" Both me and Natasha said as we pushed open the doors and walked inside.

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