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y/n's pov

I woke up to see Romanoff lying on my lap. I smiled to myself and shut my eyes again.

"Aww so sweet, little y/n's found a girlfriend!" You knew that voice.

"Shut up Loki or I'll make you love Thor."

"You wouldn't!" Loki clapped his hand to his chest in a 'I'm offended you would even think about doing that' kinda way.

See i am the goddess of love, i was Odins first born and would have been queen if I hadn't turned down the job. Nat woke up and smiled up at me I smiled back and then we got out of the vehicle. Tony directed me to my brother and i smiled thinking about seeing him again. Romanoff and I were holding hands when we burst through the doors of Thors room he shrieked like a child and I giggled until I saw why. He wasn't wearing any clothes. Rather than this making me upset I fell to the ground with laughter.

"By the great beard of Odinson knock- y/n?" He looked down, threw a pair of trousers on and picked me up bridal style. I were still howling with laughter in his arms then I hugged my brother back. 

When I could finally stand on my own two feet I said,

"Brother this is my best friend Natasha Romanoff, Natasha this is Thor aka the god of thunder aka my brother. 

"Nice to meet you." Natasha held a hand out for Thor to shake but instead he got a stern look on his face and reached his hand out next to Natasha's head just like that Mnojnir, Thors hammer, was in his hand. Natasha didn't even flinch.

"I like this one." Thor exclaimed and with that he shook Nat's hand.

"Now lady y/n and lady what was it? Romanoff? My apologies my memory is not great! Shall we go to dinner and catch up over some food and what about pop tarts for pudding?"

"Of course brother I will go and get Loki!" And with that I wondered out of the room to find Loki.

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