S-she's gone Nat

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Natasha pov 

Tony was up on is feet again and so I went to look for y/n but then I heard Peter Quill say,

"Oh man.." I glanced at him and he cracked and disappeared. I gasped as everyone started to leave me. I heard Peter P voice and I heard him whisper to Stark,

"Stark! I don't feel so good.... I don't know what's happening. Please, I don't wanna go.. I don't wanna go.... I'm sorry..." I screamed as Peter disappeared and Tony, who had been holding Peter fell to the floor. Silent tears trickled down Starks face. I ran towards him to comfort him as we were the only ones left. 

"Wait! Were the only ones left! Whe-wheres y/n? Baby? NO! MY LOVE?" A guttural sob echoed through the night as both me and Stark clutched onto each other.

"S-she's gone Nat... I'm sorry" Suddenly a dark voice, almost mechanic rang through my ears.

"We need to get off this planet." I turned around still holding stark for comfort. A robot stared back at us. She told us that she was Gamoras sister and that she knew Thanos' plan. We scrabbled to our feet, complete trust in this stranger and we climbed aboard her space ship. 

Its been two weeks since we've been on the ship. The engine broke so we are now just hovering over earth.

"So close yet so far away." I muttered. I went to go find Tony. I found him talking to his helmet, 

"Pepper, I love you. I'm so sorry I hope you get this. There's only a coupled more hours worth of oxygen so I love you so much and don't be ashamed to get re married. I bet no ones as good in the sheets though!" That signature stark smirk appeared on his face but it was only half hearted. "Love you Pepper" He shut down the recording and let a tear slip. Soon the robot called Nebula entered.

"Ten more minutes until you run out of oxygen."

"Could you make it something happier?" Tony said whilst furiously wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Yeah maybe cookies?" I asked hopefully.

"The cookies will be done in ten minutes." And with that she left. I crawled over to Tony and we sat in silence until a thud came and we were moving. We were soaring through the air. Tony and I ran towards Nebula who looked as shocked as a robot can. I ran towards the window and saw the compound.

"TONY! Look!" Pepper stood waiting for Tony, tears of joy in her eyes. Tony lept towards her as the ship landed. Tony and Pepper embraced for what seemed like forever. I was happy for them but it made me sad seeing that y/n wasn't there. I guess I had hoped she would be waiting here for me. Suddenly I remembered that Nebula hadn't fixed the ship. I turned around and came face to face with a woman.

"Carol Danvers." Her hand was reaching for mine. I shook it gratefully. Suddenly pepper was hugging her. Carol looked as surprised as me but soon hugged back.

"I can't thank you enough! You gave me my Tony!" Carol smiled. When we entered the compound half of everyone was missing. I turned to see Thor, Loki, Captain and Hulk there was also a man I didn't know. Soon he approached me and said his name was Clint Barton. I shook his hand and drifted away from the crowd. As I left I saw Tony crying into Peppers shoulder telling her about Parker. I walked into y/ns room and switched the light on. I climbed into bed and I could still faintly smell y/n on her side of the bed. I lay on the left side and the bed felt bigger without y/n to cuddle up with. I began to cry as I heard everyone rejoicing down stairs. Soon there was a knock at the door,

"Come in!" I said through my snuffles. Thor and Loki entered and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked them.

"We were about to ask the same thing." Loki answered. At those words tears flooded out of my eyes and I fell Into Lokis chest.

"I-i could have saved her! If I wasn't so focused on Stark! I could have been there for her!"

"Its not your fault, you couldn't have stopped Thanos. All of us together couldn't!"

Thor brushed my hair out of the way and loki placed me in bed. As they were about to leave I said

"Can you stay? I think we all need a bit of comfort." Thor and loki smiled as they both settled beside me. I started to sing under my breath,

You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you...  

"Mother always sang that." Thor said his words doused in melancholy,

"You sound just like her, so did y/n." I smiled feebly up at loki who smiled back and then I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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