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y/ns pov

"y/n?" Natasha dropped her gun and the noise of it hitting the ground rang through my ears.

"Yes my love, it's me!" I stared at Natasha a smile spread wide across my face.

"No... no my y/n is dead. Who are you really?" Natasha crouched a good distance away waiting for my answer. I didn't know how to respond, our song had been my last resort. Suddenly Tony, who was in his suit entered, along with Thor who was gripping his hammer with his whole being.

"Just in time." I smiled and looked at Natasha "That answer your question my love?"

"My love?" Thor glanced over to the culprit of these crimes "Natasha?" Natasha shut her eyes and steadied her breathing. Without opening her eyes she stood up and said,

"y/n don't lie to me this time, is it really you?" 

"Yes- OWW, Tony!" I whined as Tony touched my left shoulder.

"Get off her!" Natasha scarpered over towards us and peppered my face with kisses.

"I'm so... sorry!" She said in-between kisses " I should have... believed you!"

"It's ok Natasha... but can we go back to the compound? This bullet really isn't helping boost my moral." Natasha gasped, covered her mouth and backed away from me.

"I-Im a monster! I shot you! Go! I can't hurt you again!" When I didn't leave she yelled "I SAID GO!" I stood on my feet, swayed slightly but walked towards Natasha and said in a stern voice,

"You are coming with us. Now if I hear you say that your a 'monster' one more time..."

"What?" Natasha smiled through her tears.

"I don't know, you're always the threatening one!" I said in an exasperated tone. She giggled and grabbed my hand our fingers intertwined and we walked out of the building, Natasha supporting my frail body. As Natasha and I sat in the quintet she rested her head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear,

"I'm sorry..." I turned to look at her and leaned in. The kiss was slow and memberable. Full of love, grief and forgiveness. When we eventually broke apart we had smiles plastered onto our faces. I rested my forehead against Natasha's and whispered,

"You know we should really find out the lyrics to that song, we can't let that one line be the foundations of our relationship." She smirked and kissed me on the nose.

"I'll make sure of it."

"Hey JARVIS can you fly us back home?"

"Of course y/n"

"Thanks!" I sat comfortably with Natashas now sleeping form buried into my right side.

"Oh and JARVIS. what's the name of the song that goes you told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you!" I asked as I stroked Natashas hair.

"I believe it is called Hidden in the sand by Tally hall."

"Thanks!" I smiled my plan was all coming together. I had her back and wasn't going to wait another minute for her to be mine.

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