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y/ns pov

I sat in my cell for days thinking of a way out. Suddenly it came to me, a portal! I was now back to full strength and I summoned a portal. I was so weak now that I practically fell through the ring of black smoke. I appeared in a forest and looked around. I dragged my limp body to the nearest tree and passed out.

I woke up in a small log cabin with a fire blazing in the corner. A man sat in the corner sipping on a cloudy drink.

"Mug of steaming hot cocoa?" He asked with a Scottish accent.

"Where am I?" I replied not wanting to drink cocoa from a stranger even though my stomach longed for it,

"Your in Scotland kiddo, we found ya slumped against a tree in the woods."


"Well's if you count me dogs. Peter!? Quincy!?" Two black labs bounded around the corner of the room. "Now about that cocoa it'll go cold in a minute! I'm Aaron by the way!" I nodded and smiled, and Aaron left to go fetch the drink. I looked around and saw photos of a family on his mantlepiece. He bounded back into the room not unlike his dogs. 

"So you have kids?" His face fell and he looked sad "I-im sorry its none of my business."

"No don't worry. My ex wife got custody you see, but they are still the wonder of my life. Never goes away, the feeling of being a parent I mean." I nodded slowly and smiled up at him. I took a sip of my drink and a familiar warm feeling came over me. It was good, almost as good as Natashas. Sadness swept over me like a foreign wind, Aaron clearly saw it.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, you know, the snap? Is that what they're calling it?" He nodded "Oh well I lost my girlfriend thats all."

"Oh girlfriend ay?" He smiled "Why don't you tell me about her."

"She was an incredible woman. Red, fiery hair. Emerald green eyes. She was the one. I'm sure of it." He smiled, sadness in his blue orbs. I suddenly felt guilty, so I looked to my side and stroked Peter and Quincy. 

"You should get some sleep. You've had a long journey. Feel free to stay as long as you need." He smiled and showed me to a spare room. I clambered into bed missing the warmth of Natasha and my brothers. I sat in bed looking through the sky light at the stars. Scotland, sheesh thats an improvement. I knew we hadn't been on this planet so achieving this much was incredible. Soon I felt tired so I sang to myself gently, letting tears roll down my cheeks.

you told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you

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