Home, sweet home.

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y/ns pov

I stepped through the portal and fell onto something hard, I looked up to see a wide eyed Tony. "Home sweet home!" Then I passed out.

"y/n! Come on now y/n. Don't leave me again!" A grin spread across my face and I opened my eyes.

"Loki... great to see you." Loki seized me in a tight hug and sobbed into my shoulder.

"Thor! She's awake!" Thor bounded in to the room and hugged me so tight I thought he had broken something.

"Now first things first. Where's her gravestone?" I asked not letting my emotions show as my face hardened.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean where did you commemorate her?"

"Who is 'her'" Loki asked me with a puzzled expression plastered on his face.

"Natasha!" Their faces saddened "Where can I say goodbye?" 

"y/n... she's not dead." Happiness traveled through me "But she left..." The happiness coursing through my veins turned stone cold.

"What do you mean? She- she left?" They nodded "No... No, you're pulling my leg." I let out a fake laugh "Any minute she's going to run through that door and kiss me. Please... please tell me you're joking. She can't just... leave! Not without saying goodbye! NO!" Tears cascaded down my cheeks. Thor rushed to my side but I pushed him away. I shook my head and wiped my tears away.

"She thought you were gone... we all did."

"Why? Why? Did you see me disappear? Did you hear me say goodbye?"

Loki answered this time "Well no but-"

"Then why jump to conclusions?" I got up and started pacing the room. I suddenly fell to my knees, clawing at my throat.

"No not again... not without her." I started rocked back and forth whilst shaking my head. Loki looked panicked and Thor ran out of the room.

"Brother you can't just leave! She needs our help!" Loki yelled, running after Thor. Seconds later they both ran back in the room along with Tony and Bruce. Tony got down onto his knees in front of me.

"Hey! Hey y/n its ok. You're ok!" He said while he smiled. "Bruce pass me that test tube the one labeled 'panic'!" He gestured to his work station not looking away from me. Bruce hurried back clutching the container filled with a clear liquid. 

"Hey, come on y/n swallow for me. Come on." His tone was soft as he poured the contents of the test tube down my throat. My breathing slowed and I wiped away the tears that had gone unnoticed by all the others in the room. Tony held me to his chest and we rocked back and forth.

"W-what d-did y-you give me?" Tony smiled,

"It was just water. You didn't have to know that though." His smirk appeared on his mouth as I giggled. I got to my feet and dragged my self over to Thor, who had looked very worried until he felt my tiny arms wrapped around his chest.  

"Now if Natashas gone." My voice hardened as I pulled way from Thor. Even though I tried to fake a smile they all saw right through it. "Give me a mission, the hardest one yet. What do I have to lose?" A loose grin hovered over my lips as I marched out of the room, ready for whatever life threw at me.

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