genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist

741 19 9

Natasha's pov

We sat down on a nearby bench and y/n snuggled up to me. My heart beat quickened and she felt it so she took my hand in hers and started singing whilst rubbing circles on my palm.

you asked me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you

doo doo doo I don't know the rest of the words!

I giggled at the last part and at that moment a fancy car pulled up and a short man with a goatee stepped out. I tightened my grip on y/n's hand and she whispered "Its ok nat he's here to help."

"Are you y/n?"The man said in a deep, gravelly voice. 

"Yes, yes I am." The man ushered us into his car and as soon as we got in the car he changed his voice it now sounded bubbly and excitable like a small puppy. He stuck his head from around the passengers seat so he could talk to us.

"Soooooo your Thors older sister?"

"Um yeah" y/n replied with an unsteady voice, and with that the man turned back around and blasted some AC/DC.

I whispered into y/n's ear "Who's Thor?"

"The god of thunder." I decided not to talk about that anymore and so I asked the man with the goatee. 

"What's your name?"

"Oh i'm Tony Stark aka Iron man and this here" He gestured to the man driving "is Happy aka the head of security."

"Ohhh you're the hero who has no power except a suit!"

"Hey!" Tony replied sticking out his bottom lip like a five year old.

"If you disagree what are you without the suit?"

"A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist!"

"Well I think you are-" Happy clearly got tired of us bickering and a sheet of metal came in-between me and stark. I yawned and with that y/n pulled me into her chest and we both dozed off.

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