dinner with a murderer

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I just realised Ive been doing the wrong natashas but hayho

Natashas pov

We were in a corner booth and me and y/n were hoovering down our food. We hadn't had decent food in over three years.

"So loki" y/n now proceeded to suck up her milkshake really, really slowly "Last time you were in the news you were trying to rule earth how'd that go for you?" y/n stifled a giggle and a small smile crept onto Thors mouth.

"Well as you can see I am living with Thor so... NOT GOOD!" y/n laughed this time.

"But brother you have me to defuse the tension now! You happy to see your big sister again?" Loki groaned. Then a well dressed man with a goatee arrived. 'Stark' you thought. He proceeded to wedge him self in-between Thor and y/n. He threw his arm over y/n and both Thor and you growled at the intimacy Tony and y/n were sharing. 

"Im bored" y/n said

"There's a new club two blocks from here?" Tony said eagerly.

"Trust Tony to know that" Thor muttered.

"Yeah lets go! Me and Nat have to change first though"And with that y/n and i proceeded to run out of the McDonalds, leaving Tony to pay.

We walked home slowly and felt comfortable in each others presence. We arrived out side Stark tower and y/n asked Tony,

"Are there any females in this building? We don't have any clothes."

"Yeah Pepper is here and so is Wanda." Tony replied. y/n squealed with excitement.

"I haven't seen either of them in so long! Jarvis tell Wanda and Pepper to go into the spare room and to bring allllll their dresses!"

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