did we?

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y/ns pov

I woke up to a throb in my head. Shit. What happened last night? I looked under the covers. Just underwear! I looked to my side and saw Natasha. I shot up in bed to be met with a banging in my skull. I had sex with Natasha? Would the be a bad thing? Yes. No. Maybe? Ugh my head. I need some aspirin.

"Ugh how much did I drink last night?"

"About 7 martinis and 2 shots of vodka." Nat replied in a morning voice I found very attractive.

"Uhh nat did we... you know, do the nasty?"Natasha laughed. That put a smile on my face.

"No y/n I just don't have a room yet."

"Oh that makes sense." You dropped back into bed and looked at the ceiling. 

"You know I could get used to this nat." 

"Used to what?" Nat replied groggily 

"Waking up next to you." This time Nat shot up

"What Romanoff?" I giggled at her reaction. With that I got up put some clothes on and walked out of the room.

natashas pov 

I sat there in silence then quickly ran out of the room and followed y/n.

"You know I could too!"

y/n turned around and smirked at me then her face fell.

"What?" I replied, scared she didn't like me like that. She just pointed behind me. I turned around to see a wide eyed Thor staring at me then I looked down and realised that I was still only in my underwear. I yelled then ran into the nearest room. It happened to be Loki's. 

"Oh god!" I screamed. Loki turned and he looked at me opened mouthed. I turned and left the room only to bump into Tony.

"Fuck! Why are there so many damn men in this building!" while this was going on y/n had fallen to the floor and was laughing her ass off. She then stood up and regained some composure.

"Natasha follow me, I will take you to our room." She giggled once more then took my hand and led me down the hall to the last door and she shut it behind me.

"Well that was fun!" I muttered sarcastically under my breath.  

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