You're my Saviour

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Natashas pov

We appeared at the base of a mountain and I reached my hand over to y/n's and looked at her, a smile met my gaze and I couldn't help but smile back. We braced ourselves for the long walk and headed up the cliff. 

"I bet the racoon didn't have to climb a mountain!" Y/n grumbled once we were half way up, I laughed and stoped walking. "What?" She asked.

"I love you... More than anything. You're my person." A tear slipped down my cheek.

"Hey, hey!" Y/n embraced me "You're my person to. I love you to... so much my love." I smiled feebly and then we carried on walking. Y/n's thumb gently stroked my hand in a form of support and love. 

"So you wish to seize the soul stone?" A voice echoed in the air as we reached the peak of the mountain. I drew my batons and y/n summoned her knives.

"Who are you?" I asked warily

"I am the soul keeper."

"No, you're the red skull. Steve told me about you."

"What does it matter. Do you want the soul stone?"

"Yes..." I replied "What do we have to do to get it? Fight you? Kill you?"

"Oh no, in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul." The breath hitched in my throat and I had to shut my eyes to stop the world spinning. I dropped y/ns hand and took a deep breath.

"What?" I asked hoping I'd misheard him,

"A soul for a soul my dear." He grinned and disappeared but not without leaving these words on the wind "I'll leave you to decide... decide who must take the leap..." 

"Me... Y/n it has to be me... I have red on my ledger and I'd like to wipe it out."

"No. No!" her decision was final but I knew it had to be me "You just came back to me. I cant... I cant!" y/n fell to her knees and sobbed. Guttural cries exiting her body, the embodiment of her grief and pain. "You cant go! I cant lose you again!" She clawed at her hair and I fell to my knees in front of her and held her. We shivered in the wind but we were already shaking from sadness that it didn't make that much of a difference. "I'll do it. The thoughts in my head are tearing me apart, you're the only thing that keeps them from killing me, I need you. If I cant have you then i'm already dead. YOU'RE MY PERSON ROMANOFF, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!? It has to be me..." I felt the tears sting my cheeks on their way down my face as I knew hat I had to do. I tackled y/n to the ground.

"I'm sorry." I shot y/n with one of my electric disks and she lay there paralysed. Tell Julie I love her." I ran to the edge of the cliff but instead ran through a portal which placed me back at the starting line. Y/n looked at me over her shoulder and ran but I knocked her to the side and jumped but as soon as I did I felt y/n clip me onto the rope that tethered me to the cliff. I grabbed her hand on her way down and refused to let go. "Damn you!" My voice was hoarse and strained as I tried to pull y/n up.

"Let me go..." She whispered

"No... Please no." I said as my tears dripped off my face.

"It's ok." She looked up at me, the smile that usually adorned her lips long gone, drifted away in the wind. "you told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you."

"...Please." She just looked and flashed one of her perfect smiles but then kicked off from the cliff and her hand slipped from my grip. "NO!" My scream, a blur of noise, was lost in the wind but it would haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. I shut my eyes hoping it was all a dream and opened them again but there it was, y/n's body sprawled at the base of the cliff, lifeless and covered in blood. "OH GOD!" I was soon taken away from her place of rest by the magic of Vormir and found myself in a pool of water at the base of the mountain clutching onto the soul stone. "a-a soul for a soul." I whispered.

present day 

"So now you know." I said as I stroked, not so little, Julies hair out of her face "There was a girl named y/n who saved me in every way, shape and form a person can be saved." I silently cried "S-she was my saviour Julie and she was your mother. It was not a coincident that Gamora didn't come home that day." Julie was now crying to "And Julie I'm the reason she cant tell her own story, its my fault... I- I love you y/n."

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