All I wanted was you!

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y/ns pov

I woke up early in one of Natashas favourite sweaters which she had left behind in her rush to leave. I got changed into my suit and ran down the stairs.

"Ok, what's the mission?"

"Well there's this girl. She has only come onto our radar recently and every time we send someone to help her she kills them." Bruce said while checking some papers to make sure he wasn't spilling lies. "She seems to have pyromania."

"And that is? English please Doc."

"The obsessive desire to set things on fire."

"Ohhhh... freaky." I said with a grin "What does she look like?"

"Don't know." Tony cut in as he entered the room "She always has soot on her face from what we have seen on the cameras and she always burns the evidence away. What we do know is that she's smart, even for my standards. Blueberry?" 

"Ooo yes please! If we can't track her how are we going to find her?" I said through my chewing.

"Tony has that sorted." Bruce went back to his studies as Tony gripped my arm and steered me towards the window.

"See that y/n? Its called a police station! Omg wow!" Tony babied me and I shoved him of me and glared daggers in his direction. 

"So, the police know where she is and you did absolutely nothing to help? Sounds about right." Tony smirked and sat down.

"The police are only guessing due to her crimes. See they aren't asking for you to kill her only to bring her in."

"She's targeting HYDRA, taking down there smaller bases single handedly! Badass." I said as I read the file. 

"Yup! Imma head out and go get the Quinjet ready." Tony left the room and I followed. I went into the armoury and put a new gun in my holster with some spare bullets in the back pocket of my shorts. 

"Ready y/n?" Bruce stuck his head round the corner with his eyes squeezed tight "You decent?"

"Yeah Bruce!" I said with a giggle "I'm coming."

"Do you want Thor or Tony to come with you?" He said whilst leaning his body against the doorframe.

"Jeez, Bruce do you really not trust me that much?" I said with a smile,

"No y/n! Its just... I've seen the joy seep out of the compound before, when you left the first time I mean-"


"Yeah! Of course. Any way the Quinjet is up and running."

"Thanks Bruce." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek as I passed him, running towards the compound's back doors. I had been flying for ten minutes until I arrived at my destination. The sounds of gun shots echoed through my ears as I fixed my ear piece in place. 

"Tony, you there?"

"Yup! So is Thor." 

"Ok, I'm going in."

"Ok, be safe sister."

"I will Thor!" I rolled towards the front doors and as I kicked them in a dead body fell back onto its back. I gingerly stepped over it and entered the building, wrinkling my nose at the smell of blood and sweat mixed together. The sound of bullets against the metal walls soon disappeared and I saw my mission dragging a trail of explosives out the building. I raised my gun and pointed it at the woman's back.

"M'am i'm not here to hurt you, just turn slowly with your hands up." She turned slowly and my hand instinctively lowered as I saw my favourite pair of emerald eyes stare in to mine.

"Natasha?" I was rooted to the ground, my eyes wide and mouth ajar. She took this as weakness and shot at me. I dogged but just not quick enough as the bullet sunk into my left shoulder. I winced as Natasha thrust her self on top of me. She pressed down onto the wound pushing the bullet further in my flesh. I screamed so loud that Tony and Thor bombarded me with questions. Natasha saw my ear piece, took it from my ear and crushed it under her combat boot.

"How do you know my name?" When she withdrew her hands, they were covered in my blood.

"Natasha... Don't do this to me. Don't say you've forgotten. Don't forget about me... Even when I doubt us, i'm no good without you..."  

"I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Tears slipped silently down her cheeks, the ash vanishing with the salty liquid revealing her rosy cheeks.

"Yes you do. You love me." I whispered back. She pressed a knife covered in dry blood to my neck.

"IM DOING IT FOR HER!" Sobs were now rattling throughout her chest.

"Then do it, i'm with you to the end of the line..." I smiled faintly at her, though the tears made it look like a grimace in pain. The blood loss was going to my head, I didn't know what to do. My brain was a blur and so I just gave in hoping that she would remember. She clambered off me and grabbed her gun, it was shaking in her hand as she took the safety off. uddenly it came to me in a flash of light. I dragged my body to the wall and took a deep breath.

"You told me to... Buy a pony... But all I wanted was you!"

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