fight! fight! fight!

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Natashas pov 

 I was eating my muffin when Thor said,

"I remember we were gonna fight, let's do that after breakfast shall we?"

"I want in!" Cap said "Need to make sure she can protect y/n."

"Fine but just let me eat my muffin, these are really good y/n." at that Bucky got up and left.

"Why thank you Romanoff" y/n said through her laugh. You all finished your breakfast and entered the training room. 

"Right" Tony said "Rules, hand to hand combat no weapons, cool?"

"Cool." Thor and cap said. when I didn't reply they smirked "Worried you won't be able to beat us ?"

"No Im just thinking it won't be a fair fight if you don't have weapons."

"Cocky, I like it. Oh also double tap to duck out" Tony said. I got into the arena so did cap and Thor.

"One, two, three, fight!" everyone else yelled. I ran at them, Thor threw a punch but I jumped over him got on his back, spun him round until he was on the floor with my knee on his throat. Cap threw his shield (I said he could have that) I grabbed it held it to Thors throat with my foot and now I had both hands so I threw a punch in caps stomach he doubled over and so I flipped him onto his back then I stood on his chest, his shield still pressed to Thors throat. 

In the background I heard a faint "fight! fight! fight!"

Thor tapped out first, cap had another round in him. I kicked him in the stomach and hooked my leg around his neck, he fell forward and I hooked his arm around his back and slowly pushed it up until he tapped out.

"Five minutes now that's a record" Tony said, shocked

"I told you I could fight." and with that I walked off holding hands with y/n who yelled,

"Yasssss queeeeeen"

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