no peace and quiet

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loki's pov 

I was reading peacefully in my cupboard, the only place I could get some peace and quiet. Suddenly my head shot up and fear paralysed me. Y/N. I was so quiet but I guess she heard my book shut as the cupboard doors proceeded to swing open.

"I found you!" I ran for it I dropped my book flinching at the sound of it falling to the floor.

"That was my favourite copy of the little women, I hope you're happy!" I yelled to the footsteps behind me.

"I didn't tell you to drop it!" Suddenly I felt a weight on my back. I stopped running as I realised i'd already been caught. I looked up and saw a very happy y/n smiling from ear to ear.

"To Thors's room my mighty steed!" She yelled in a terrible British accent. I laughed under my breath and walked down the hall to elevator. I began to sprint as we reached Thors floor. I burst through the doors and y/n yelled.

Natasha's pov

"I found him!" I smiled as y/n got down from her brothers back. She sprinted over to me and jumped into my arms we embraced each other like we hadn't seen each other in months.

"Now when you too are done could we go and get some dinner" Loki replied still grinning.

"Yes brother!" y/n replied in an exasperated tone. She jumped down and instinctively I reached my hand out and grabbed hers. We all got into the elevator and chose the ground floor. When the elevator dinged y/n grabbed my hand and we ran out.

"Jarvis." y/n said

"Yes Miss Odinson?" An electronic voice blared from the speakers in the corner of the room.

"Tell Tony to meet us at McDonalds and to bring his card I don't have any cash. Thanks!"

"My pleasure, Mr Stark has been alerted. Enjoy your evening." And with that y/n skipped outside, my hand still held tightly in hers and we were embraced by the cold night air.

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