I kissed a girl

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y/ns pov

It was now dessert and Peter Quill said to the whole team,

"I saw this gay couple kissing in Central Park today, it was really gross." Anger boiled in me as Peter stopped talking. Thor and Steve looked at me and wondered what was going to happen.


"yes y/n." 

"I kissed a girl and I liked it-"

"-The taste of her cherry chapstick" Natasha stood up and so did I.

"I kissed a girl just to try it!" This time Wanda stood up.

"Hope my boyfriend don't mind it." Gamora said the last line right into Peters face.

"Me and Natasha were just about to say how we are now in a full, girl on girl, committed relationship and anyone who doesn't support that can leave now." With that Peter and Stark stood up and left. Everyone else congratulated us.

"So what are we doing about the so called genius and space lord or whatever?" Natasha asked. 

"Oh I have a plan. I'm going to make them fall in love with each other."

"Wo- hey he's still my husband?"

"Don't worry Pepper it won't be permanent. We are going to wait until they come and tell us. We'll say its gross and wrong then with a snap of my fingers they'll fall out of love and know what pain they caused me and Natasha. Okay?"

"Yup." Both Gamora and Pepper agreed and then we put the plan into action. I walked into the living room where Stark and the star lord were sitting in awkward silence.

"y/n were-"

"Its ok." Then I waved my hand and love settled over them both. I left leaving love to do its business.

• • • lovely little time skip• • •

Peter and Stark walked into the dining room hand in hand and sat down in the dining room.

"we have something to tell you" Peter said as he sat down.

"Me and Peter are an item." Tony finished his sentence.

"That's so wrong." Pepper said

"Yeah two boys can't be in a relationship" I added

"Your weird and you're a freak" Natasha said. With that I reversed the love spell and Stark looked at me and Natasha and said,

"y/n, Natasha. I can't tell you how sorry I am I wasn't thinking, it wasn't my place to say." Once both the boys had showered us in apologies, Natasha and I left to go to sleep.

Cuddled up together, in a tangle of limbs, I muttered into Natasha's hair, 

you told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you...

doo doo doo doo I don't know the words...

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