The breaking point...

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Natashas pov

I got out of bed noticing that Thor and Loki weren't here. I threw on a sports bra, some skins and put my hair into a high ponytail. I left the room, went straight into the training room and started running on the treadmill. Soon I went to the dumbbells and whist I was lifting Tony and Pepper walked in giggling. I blocked out the noise and continued lifting until I heard Pepper yell through her laughs.

"Tony! Stoop! Please like literally stop!" I got up and yelled


"Nat we-"

"Save it, i'm done anyway. Go back to enjoying each others company!" I stormed out of the room leaving a very shocked Tony and Pepper. I walked into my room and stuffed my clothes into a bag and threw a hoodie on. I walked out of my room trying not to draw any attention to myself.

"Hey Nat where you going?" A cheerful Shuri asked as she rounded the corner.

"Im just going for a run geez!" Shuri looked perplexed as I barged passed her. I ran out of the compound and just walked. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get away from the happy couples. 

I was walking through an alley way. It was dark now I had been walking for about six hours. Just wondering around, heading nowhere in particular. I felt a presence behind me and so I speeded up. I was sure someone was following me now as I had taken four rights and we were in the same alley way we had been in ten minutes ago.

"Hey Buttercup! Wait up!" The mans voice was gruff and gravelly. I stopped walking and growled. 

"Don't call me Buttercup." He smirked and slipped a laugh

"What about Doll face prefer that Buttercup." I snarled and walked slowly turned around, put a fake smile on and walked towards him.

"Do you know what's more dangerous than an angry man?" He laughed

"What doll face?"

"A nasty woman." I whispered, smirking and placed my hands on his shoulders. He smirked thinking he's overpowered me, his hands rested on my hips. Suddenly my knee reached his groin and he doubled over. Before I could walk away he dragged me back and put a knife to my throat.

"Well Doll face that wasn't very nice was it?" I yelped as he broke the skin on my neck. He laughed. Suddenly a tall, muscly man turned towards us.

"Hey do you need some help?" He asked warily as he saw the knife in the grip of 'buttercup'.

"No, Im fine thanks."

"Are you sure you're a damsel in distress. I should help." He walked towards us slowly.

"I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day!" He walked away warily.

"Now buttercup got you all to myself! You're going to make me feel like a man tonight!" I kneed him in the groin and as he let go I grabbed the knife and our roles were swapped.

"Its not my job to make you feel like a man... I can't make you what you're not." And with that I slit his throat and watched him fall to the ground, lifeless. I walked away tears clouding my vision. I sat under a tree in the woods. I looked down at my hands which where shaking and covered in a lot of blood.

"I really am a monster." I let my tears wipe away the blood from my hands and I shut my eyes, tears still slipping from my lashes.

Tonys pov

I got up to my feet.

"Ill be back Pepper. Im sorry. That was her breaking point." She nodded and let me go. I ran after Natasha, when I couldn't find her I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. 

"Where's Natasha F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" 

"Natasha has left the building sir. Two minutes ago sir." 

"Shit. Ok thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y." 

"My pleasure sir." I ran into y/n and Natasha's room. Empty her clothes were gone.

"NO! I promised id keep her safe! For y/n..." Pepper entered and sat next to me and I sobbed into her chest.

"Its my fault. The least I could have done was be quieter. We where so blind to the pain she was feeling!" Thor and Loki ran into the room, smiles on their faces. Their smiles fell as they saw what was happening.

"Where's Natasha?" Thor asked.

"She's gone Thor. I'm sorry." Pepper saved me from having to answer. Thor and loki looked destroyed. Thor slumped against the wall and cried.

"She was like a sister to us. A second chance with y/n gone." loki said as he rubbed his brothers back.

"W-we only kn-knew her for a couple-pl months but... she was family."

"Come on Thor lets get you to bed." Loki said as Thors sobs grew quieter. 

"Yeah, Tony you should get some sleep." Pepper said. 

3rd person view

Once everyone was asleep Loki snuck downstairs with y/ns pillow and curled into a ball on the sofa.

"The usual sir?" F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice echoed around the room.

"Yes please." Loki replied his voice small and feeble. Videos of y/n and Natasha in the compound where shown on the big screen. Loki hugged y/ns pillow and fresh tears fell down his cheeks as he giggled at a teenage y/n running around the compound chasing after Loki who was reading Wuthering Heights whilst running.

"Goodnight y/n."

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