Two Doctors, Three Aliens

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Tonys pov

I woke up to Jarvis reminding me to go on my daily run, so I got up put my running stuff on and walked out the room. I walked into my kitchen to find it covered in pancake toppings.

"What happened to my kitchen! Ugh its too early for this, i'll just buy a new one." And with that I grabbed my smoothie and walked outside.

• • •time skip!!!!• • • 

"TONY!" Dr Banner aka Hulk ran up to me and I smiled.

"Banner been a long time!" Then the smile dropped off of my face as I saw the alien spaceship in the shape of a donut hurtling through the sky.

"What the fu-" A glittery circle appeared and a man with a goatee walked out.

"Hey! The goatee is a Stark trademark and you're not a Stark."

"No, no I am not. I'm Doctor Steven Strange ex neurosurgeon and master of the mystic arts."

"Coolio" I replied "Can you tell me about the giant donut in the sky?" I said nonchalantly. 

"Basically there's this guy called Thanos and he's trying to eliminate half of the planet and he can do that if he gets all six infinity stones and he's already got two!" Banner cut in.

"Wait what are infinity stones?" I replied, my voice shaking.

"Well they're Mind, Power, Reality, Soul, Space, and Time stones. The owner can manipulate what the stone represents. I have the time stone here." Doctor Strange gestured to the weird necklace he was wearing.

"Oh and there are aliens and they're trying to attack us." Banner said pointing towards some weird creatures charging at us. I tapped the side of my glasses and my suit appeared. I stepped inside and turned around, preparing to fight, when I saw a massive sword hurtling towards my face.

"Hey stark!" y/n was holding back the sword as I rolled away.

"Where'd you come from kid?" y/n growled at me, she hated that nickname,

"Field trip to the Washington monument!" 

"Really?" I said eagerly,

"No. Stark i'm 28 in human years remember i'm older than Thor!"

"Right" I thought about that for a minute but the thought of Thor with a book back scared me "Thanks by the way y/n."

"Anytime! What should me and nat do?" Natasha was fighting hand to hand with a third alien.

"Well don't let that alien get Strange!" I pointed to the first alien who now had Strange stuck in a wall with some form of magic.

"Who?" y/n asked,

"THAT GUY!" I said pointing towards the Doctor.

"okey!" And with that y/n ran off.  

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