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Natashas pov

Loki lay almost lifeless on the table. I sat there soothing him, telling him it would be ok. y/n ran into the room and held onto his hand and cried through her soothing words.

"It will be ok. You're fine. You're strong." At that moment the heart monitor stopped beeping and I clutched onto y/n who collapsed in my arm and sobbed into my chest. I rocked her in my arms and let her air out her grief. She eventually had no tears to cry and so she just lay there with a tear stained face still holding her deceased brothers hand.

"Come on my love lets get you to bed." I whispered when it got dark.

"NO!" she yelled through her silent sobs "I have to stay with him."

"Ok my love i'll go get you a pillow and a duvet. Is it ok if I stay with you?" she nodded and wiped her eyes. I smiled at her and left to go and fetch her stuff. When I got back I saw her sleeping with her head on Loki's chest. I was puzzled for a moment as Loki's hand was wrapped around her back holding her close. She must have just moved it. I went up to her, lay her duvet over her sleeping form and sat on the chair in the corner with a blanket thrown over me and a pillow under my head. With that I drifted off to sleep.

• • •lil time skip for you• • • 

"BROTHER!" I woke to a fuming y/n and Loki was cowering in the corner. wait what Loki? I sat up quickly and asked,

"Am I dead because last time I checked you were dead!?" I pointed at Loki. 

"No you're not dead, this dick that is my brother faked it to see how you would react and to see if you would help me!"She yelled towards Loki "apparently this was his ways of seeing if you are able to 'protect me' or 'comfort me'!" 

Suddenly black smoke appeared around her hand and I knife appeared in her hand.

"Now i'm going to commit the death that I grieved over!" y/n lunged at loki but I held her back. And with that Loki teleported away.

"THAT LITTLE BITCH!"y/n dropped the knife, sat down and ran her fingers through her hair. I stood there in pure shock then I fell to the floor with laughter.

"I'm glad you are amused!"She yelled "Sorry i'm just really angry with him. I haven't cried that much since our mother died."

"Its ok, I'd be pissed too, it's just funny from my point of view." We both laughed.

"Im gunna go get some pancakes wanna come?" I said.

"Yes and yay your settling in."

With that we walked hand in hand down to the kitchen laughing about Loki.

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