Pym Particle

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Natasha's pov

• • • time skip (two years so Julie is 7 I think.)• • • 

I woke up to a sleeping Y/n and Julie lying next to me, life's never been better.

"Agent Romanoff,  Lady Romanoff please report to the main briefing room in ten minutes." F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed around the room.

"Ahhhh fuck!" Y/n threw her pillow across the room.

"Fuck." Julie looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh no... Julie, honey we don't say that word, mummy claimed that word as her own only she can say that!" Julies face fell.

"Oh i'm sorry I didn't know please don't take me back!" I embraced Julie and stroked her hair

"Its ok honey, we're not going to take you back. We love you too much!" She giggled as I booped her nose and y/n got out of bed.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y? Tell Tony i'll be there in a minute also can you tell Pepper to take Morgan and Julie to the wood cabin for today?"

"Of course Lady Romanoff."


"Where am I going?" Julie looked at y/n with a puzzled expression. 

"Oh you know auntie Pepper and uncle Tony?" Julie nodded "Well auntie Peppers going to take you and Morgan to the cabin next to the river and we will come and get you later!"

"Okay mum!" 

"love you sweetie!" She replied. After a quick shower we walked hand in hand to the meeting room.

"Finally, sister you really aren't a morning person are you?" Loki smirked and everyone sniggered until y/n was holding a knife to Loki's throat.

"Bitch say that again I dare you." She then retreated and plonked herself onto the nearest chair, shutting her eyes.

"Thats my wife!" I sat down next to y/n and saw a smirk tug on her lips, eyes still shut.

"Hi! Sorry I'm late guys." Y/ns eyes flew open,

"Scott! Buddy." She practically flew at him and tackled him in a hug. "How's the work coming along?" She asked as she sat down in her chair again.

"Well about that..." Everyone was suddenly alert "Its sort of... finished!"

"Okay then why the hell are new still on this island it's really not great you should see nowhere!" rocket said

"Okay I swear up until a minute ago I thought you were a build a bear." Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to comprehend a talking racoon.

"Who says i'm not?" Rocket replied with a grin.

"Wait you finished it? Let's go, what's the plan?" y/n said now fully alert 

"Well these are Pym Particles. We have to go back in time and collect the stones before Thanos knows about them..."

"Okay let's get going. Everyone suit up." Steve said getting up and walking out. After about half an hour of everyone getting changed and battle ready we met up in the briefing room again.

"Okay we will go in teams. Me, Tony, Scott and Bruce here to the battle of New York, then Natasha and Y/n to Vormir for the soul stone and finally Thor and Rocket to Asgard." Everyone nodded and walked over to their team members. Once everyone was ready to go y/n yelled over the buzz of the machinery and whirl of the new suits,

"Come on guys, we have friends to save." She smiled "See you in a minute!" 

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