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y/ns pov

I'd been crashing at Aarons for 2 weeks now and we'd become very close. I was up to full strength and so I could make a portal and leave but I didn't want to, I felt like I had to tell Aaron where I've been and where i'm going. 

"Aaron? Are you here?"

"Yes sweetie?" He covered his mouth with his hand "I-im so sorry I- didn't mean it!" The worry on his face turned to a smile as he saw the bubbly giggles escaping my lips.

"I'ts ok. I'ts quite nice having a father figure." I walked up to him and embraced him, he was quick to hug back. 

"I'm going out fishing. There are some bears around here so if you need help there's a pistol and some bullets in the cupboard. Only use it for emergencies ok y/n!"

"Ok dad " I giggled and without him seeing I crossed my fingers behind my back.

"Ok sweetie i'll be gone for about... two hours ok?"

"Yup!" Once Aaron left, I rummaged around the cupboard and found the pistol. I ran outside and set up an archery target. The bullets would go through but it would slow them down and I can then pluck them out of the tree behind with less difficulty. I then shot twice.

"Hmm quiet ones. Well done Aaron." I continued to shoot at the target whilst dancing ballet like I had in the Red Room. Tears slid down my cheeks and as I closed my eyes to dispel them I saw myself and Natasha in our pink tutus dancing in the Red Room, the same the of pistols clutched in the hands of our 12 year old selves. Now back to reality I fell to the floor crying, missing her so much, suddenly I was finding it hard to breath. I was having a panic attack. I'd never got through one of these without Natasha helping me or the Red Room injecting me with some sleeping enhancement drug. I dropped the gun and clawed at my hair. I focused on my breathing. 

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. 

Then... name three things you can see! I looked around and I saw lots of things but one thing was stuck in my brain.

Bullets, lots of bullets! 

My breathing sped up. 

No this is not working! y/n speak out loud. 

When I opened my mouth my breath got stuck and I just shut it again. 

God damn it y/n speak!

"AARON! LOKI!" No reply. I looked at the archery target and thought of Clint, then I thought of Tony yelling at Clint to get down from the vents. shutting my eyes I remembered. 

• • •flashback• • •

"Clint get down from there! The cleaners are coming!"

"No Tony, geez, do you not know I clean these everyday... for free?!"

"Your idea of cleaning then, is to leave sweet wrappers everywhere you go!"

"Thats exactly how I clean! Impressive! You can ask Laura!"

"I don't have too, you 'clean' the compound all the damn time!"

"So I am cleaning! Ha!"

"No! Did you not see my air quotes?"

"No because i'm in the vents idiot!"

"Then why don't you come down and see them!" 

"Ok!" Clint clambered out of the vents.

"Seize him!" 

"Sorry Clint!" I yelled as I grabbed him and Tony showed the cleaners to the vents.

"No! I can't believe you y/n!" You giggled.

• • •end of flashback• • •

"Hey sweetie?! Look at me y/n!" I looked up at Aaron and cried even harder.

"I'm sorry, I told you I wouldn't use it i'm so sorry!"

"I'ts ok sweetie i'm just glad you're safe."

"Wait why are you back so early?"

"I'm not back early Honey."

"What do you mean?" I looked around and saw that it was dark. I've been having a panic attack for an hour? I grimaced, the attack must have been really bad.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I nodded "Ok lets get you inside." I stood up, wiped my eyes and wobbled and so Aaron held onto me as we went inside. I crawled over to the dogs who were damp from swimming in the lake. Quincy rested his head on my knee and I stroked him.

"So y/n what happened?" You began to explain about your past and how you met Natasha in the Red Room. Also about your parents and brothers. You began to cry as you talked about the fight with Thanos and him torturing you for information. Peter and Quincy whined when they saw you were sad so you shut your eyes and carried on talking until you were back to the present. You opened your eyes and saw Aarons jaw hanging loose.

"Oh y/n! You poor girl!" He embraced me and I cried into his shoulder. "Shh its ok, you're ok. You're fine I promise you. You're safe now." I sniffled and pulled away.

"You know what this means don't you?" He nodded. 

"Now go get packing. Your brothers need you." I smiled back at him and ran upstairs. Aaron had bought me loads of clothes and a suitcase, knowing I would have to leave at some point, and so I stuffed what I had into the suitcase and I threw on my suit. 

I ran down the stairs hugged Aaron, said goodbye to the dogs and was about to leave when Aaron grabbed my arm

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I ran down the stairs hugged Aaron, said goodbye to the dogs and was about to leave when Aaron grabbed my arm.

"Take this." He handed me his pistol "Makes me happier knowing my 'daughter' is safe" I giggled and hugged Aaron again. Suddenly black smoke appeared and I waved goodbye one more time, yelled,

"I'll visit soon. I promise!" then I slipped through the portal.

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