Tonys Hobby

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Natashas pov

I woke up and found y/n sleeping on my chest, I smiled

"Good to have you back y/n." I picked her up bridal style and walked into the compound. Everyone excited 'hellos' dissipated as I showed them y/ns sleeping form. I ran up the stairs, careful not to wake her up, and placed her gently in her bed.  My eyes welled up with tears as I walked over to the door to her room, preparing to leave her again. I was a monster, I didn't deserve her

"Baby?" y/ns voice echoed around the room and as I turned to look at her I saw her propped up on her elbow, rubbing her eyes.

"Go back to sleep my love." I walked back over to her and sat on the side of her bed.

"Cuddles?" y/ns small request made the thought of running away again unbearable and so I got undressed until I was just in my underwear and slipped under the duvet, pulling her close.

"Sleep now." y/n nodded and snuggled further into my chest. Automatically I started singing as I played with her hair

You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you...

y/n smiled and her voice was muffled as she spoke,

"Hidden in the sand by Tally Hall." 

"What was that love?"

"Thats the name of the song. Hidden in the sand... I like that name." She closed her eyes and began muttering to herself  "Makes me think of the beach and sandcastles. It's so sad when they get washed away. Oh my god! What if they're talking about crabs under the sand... I don't like crabs with there pincers... Ew" I smiled as she gently drifted to sleep. I vowed then and there that I will never let her be unhappy even if that means me leaving.

y/ns pov

I woke up to the dazzling sun hitting the bed in rays of light. I looked up and saw Natasha, perfect as always, staring back at me 

"You know, you have to stop that." Natashas smile dropped of her mouth

"What? Have I done something wrong?" I giggled at her worried face

"I mean you have to stop looking so perfect first thing in the morning!" A smirk was placed on her lips.

"I mean, it's just a gift!" I laughed and got up and got dressed

"I've got to go and visit my people in Asgard. I will be back around eight, love you!" I left a smiling Natasha curled up in bed drifting to sleep again. I skipped down the hall practically buzzing with excitement.

"Pepper! PEPPER!" Tony walked out of the room and stared at me,

"Dude... its like... 11 o'clock what the hell!?"

"I need to see Pepper, she promised she would help me propose to Nat."

"Wait you're proposing?" Tonys eyes widened and he shut the door on my face only to come back minutes layer in a new suit "Ok so I will be a great best man you don't have to worry about that."

"Uh Tony-"

"-And i'm helping you."

"Tony hunny who's at the door. Is it y/n I am meant to help her today." Peppers voice flooded out the room.

"Oh it's no one hun, just Bruce and his science stuff!" Tony marched out of the room shutting the door behind him. He grabbed my hand and steered me to a cupboard across the hall.

"Okay so when me and Pepper got married, she would not take any of my advice on her dress but now I can help you!" 

"Tony slow down she hasn't even said yes yet!" 

"Oh come on of course she will and are you going to put all this research to waste?" Tony opened the cupboard and thousands of wedding magazines fell to the floor. There were pictures of venues, dresses, suits and honeymoon destinations.

"Uhhh Tony, you got married two years ago why do you still have this stuff?"

"Can't a man have a hobby?"

"Yeah but your hobby is the suits Tony... the Iron Man ones?"

"We're moving away from the point here." He said as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks "You should propose on the roof at sunset with white roses and... wear that blue dress not the white one its to tacky."

"Thanks I guess, wait how do you know about the dresses?"

"I have eyes everywhere y/n." Before I could tell him how creepy that sounded he marched down the corridor, magazines in hand. 

"y/n you have to go and tell your brothers about what's going on, have some quality time before you become a bride! I will set up the roof and you can just show up! And remember blue dress!" With that Tony slipped into the elevator and I knocked on Loki's door.

"Brother come here!"

"But... Juliets just seen Romeos dead body!"

"I don't care I have news!"

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