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Natasha's pov

y/n has gone to find Loki your with Thor 

"So you and my sister hu?" Thor nudged me and I was pushed to the side, boy did he have muscles.

"Umm well.. we're just friends."  I whispered the last words.

"You wanna be more than that though don't you?"

Shit how do answer that of course I do but I am a trained assassin, I shouldn't give this stranger blackmail on me!

"Umm that would be nice I guess..."

"You guess?" Thor said his voice raised.

"No I love y/n, fuck that's too soon I met this guy this afternoon!" I mentally slapped myself. Thor laughed at your reaction. I smiled and looked out the window. I'd never been this high up before, the city lights spread below you like stars.

"You know I think you would be good for y/n, she has the responsibility to make people fall in love but she's never experienced it herself. She doesn't know the power she wields." Thor whispered looking down at his hands.

"y/n was my only friend back there."

"Were you at hydra as well? Because cap's friend was from hydra and he seems better now."

"No me and y/n were at the Red Room." I cursed myself for letting that piece of info slip. Thor and I sat there for a couple minutes both just looking forward.

"What are your intentions?" Thor said confidently this time.

"What- I... well I love her and I want to be with her. I would never try and hurt her I would rather die than have her taken away from me." 

"Hmm well if you are going to protect her you will have to learn how to fight. I could teach-"

"I know how to fight."

"Really how about we test that after dinner" He let a laugh slip his mouth and I grinned.

"Bet!" We sat there in comfortable silence until Loki ran into the room with y/n on his back.

"I found him!" She shrieked with glee, Loki however tried to look angry but a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth probably from seeing his sister so happy.

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