I Do

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Natasha's pov 

there was a time skip but not a long one Tony really did have everything planned out

"Wake up!!!!!" I woke up to a insistent knock on my door. 

"Uhhh five more minutes."

"That's five minutes less than the time you need to get ready for your WEDDING!" Shit! Today's the big day. I threw the sheets off and went to the door.

"Hi Nat!" Pepper waved at me, clipboard in hand "Tony is with y/n right now and you have me!" I smiled and told her I would hop in the shower and then we would get right to it.

As I stood in the shower I thought about this moment a smile was etched onto my face. Even though I hadn't wanted to hurt y/n I now knew that us being apart was even more painful than the tribulations we have to go through. Y/n was going to be my bride, my wife, my love. MINE. As I stepped out of the shower I threw a towel on and walked to Peppers room.

"Okay here's the plan get into your dress and then me and Tony will set up the venue and oh! This is Hope, Scott's wife." A girl who I only just noticed waved

"Where is Scott by the way?" Hopes smile dropped of her face.

"He-he faded."

"Oh I'm sorry." She smiled in return.

Quick to change the subject Pepper spoke " So Shuri and Hope will do your nails, makeup and hair!" I smiled looking at the girls who had dropped there schedules to help me.

"Wait who has y/n got to help her?"

"Oh don't you worry she's in safe hands she's got Peter Q, Thor, Loki and Tony. And Morgan is supervising." I smiled, giggling at the thought of Thor with nail polish. Soon the dress was on and looking fabulous, the makeup was swatched everywhere and covering every imperfection and my hair was up. The nails were drying and the faces of my friends was almost as rewarding as the ceremony being the only thing left to do. 

Lil time skip still Natasha's POV

I clutched onto the bouquet as the music played for me to walk down the isle hidden deep within a wood. I looked down at the empty space on my ring finger 'not for much longer' i thought. I smiled and hooked arms with Tony and turned the corner to walk down the isle and boy when I did I almost tripped, there she was perfect as always her E/C eyes sparkling her suit dashing and beautiful at the same time. She smiled at me and whispered something to Steve and he nodded in agreement. I unhooked my arm from Tony and walked up to the alter. We both reached out and grabbed onto one another for dear life. After a while everyone sat down and the music stopped. Everything was so quiet i could hear my own heartbeat loud and clear.

"We are gathered here today."

Thump Thump

"To join together Natasha Romanoff and Y/n Odinson in holy matrimony"

Thump Thump   

"Do you, y/n Odinson take Natasha as your Lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in healthy, to love?"

Thump Thump Thump Thump

"I do" her voice was so clear and precise no hint of hesitation.

"And do you Natasha-"

"I DO, i do, I do" I smile was carved on both of our faces

"I actually have to finish the speech-"

"Oh just kiss already!" Tony yelled from his designated seat in the front row. Y/n grabbed my hips and pulled me in. The kiss was full of love which melted within us, my heart skipped several beats before returning to normal. We detached our self's from each other and the twenty or so guests cheered and clapped. I looked at y/n and she nodded, i threw back the bouquet and heard screams of excitement.

"YAY!" We turned and saw the bouquet heading straight for little Morgan's outstretched hands.

"Nope not yet!" Tony threw himself in between his daughter and the flowers as if they were poisonous.

"Wow thanks Tony im honoured!" Scott came from around the corner clutching the bunch of battered daisies. Oohs and ash's and one yell of 'Scott' came from the crowd  "Now congrats y/n, Natasha but i think i have found a way to get everyone back from the snap!" Everyone's faces went slack and y/n was the first to speak up.

"Then we have to do it right?! Come on Scott lets go inside." Y/n dragged me along behind her and the rest of the team followed.

"But the party!!!!" Tony moaned as Pepper pulled him from his seat and towards the compound. I grinned and yelled back to our other guests.

"Tony will escort you to the after party." Tony squealed with excitement and went to leave "oh but Tony as a wedding present don't eat all the food and come back in ten minutes."

"Wedding present? Then why did we get you the ice cream maker!"

Y/n stopped, walking turned back and cut in "wait you got us an ice cream maker?" A smile plastered on her face.

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