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Natashas pov 

I was strapped to a chair, that I could tell even with the bag on my head. As they removed the bag and I saw a teenage boy hovering over me with a knife clutched in his hand.

"Please... help." He whispered, "THERE ARE EYES EVERYWHERE!" He yelled and I flinched.

"Who let the crazy man have a knife." I said bluntly as an older man, maybe mid thirties, walked in. They both grinned and the cold blade was pressed to my neck.

"I've done this shit before boys. Give up now and you might walk out of this room alive." There was no sarcasm on my voice this time. I've done and seen things no one should. They stared at me blankly, not removing the knife. I grinned and smashed the chair I was tied to.

"Uhh boss. What do we do?" 

"We fight sonny!" I griped the hilt of the blade and slit the younger mans throat.

"So you're the type of fighter who needs a weapon hu?" I dropped the blade, smiled sweetly and ran at the older man. He was clearly trained better than the kid so we were fighting for about five minutes but eventually I got a firm grip around his neck and squeezed before I heard a snap. I dropped him and walked away, not before grabbing my Glocks though. A woman ran at me, fists up but I shot at her before she was at fighting distance. I saw some explosives and trailed them out of the building. I grabbed my lighter, lit my cigarette and then lit the string connected to the explosives. I walked a good twenty feet away then sat down under the stars and watched as the building blazed, the fire reflected in my green eyes.

I rested my guns by my side and rested against a piece of rubble in front of the ashes of the building.

"M'am i'm are going to need to you to put your hands up."

"Why officer. Why not just enjoy the view." I patted the ground next to me.

"M'am don't make me hurt you."

"I wouldn't stress about it." I grabbed my guns and took off the safety setting.

"M'am can I see your license for that." He gestured at the gun, his other resting on his holster.

"License!" I laughed like a maniac. "You don't need a license to be a monster." I said as the grin was wiped from my lips. 

"M'am I'm sure your not a monster but I need-" I shot him in the chest and stared at him tears in my eyes and the ashes of the building smeared on my face like war paint.

"Like I said... I'm a monster."I watched the life drain from his chocolate orbs then I curled up amongst the rubble of the building and whispered up to the stars,

"Im sorry y/n I- I don't know what I've become. All I know is that I was never worthy of your love."

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