fighting my way out of sticky situations

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y/ns pov

I ran down the corridor of the hydra base. I heard a gun shot and said through the coms,

"Everyone ok?" Yes' echoed through the earpiece. I turned a corner and collided with a hydra agent. I then felt a gun put to my head.

"Now boys don't do anything you would regret." I said in a confident voice which was not showing my inner introvert. A muffled 'you ok y/n?' came from my earpiece. 

"What would we regret little one?" The first agent said.

"Oh... calling me little one for starters." I kicked him in the groin propelled over him and throttled him. I loaded my pistol and shot at the next agents until one grabbed my throat and knocked me out. I woke up strapped to a chair all my weapons taken away from me. 

"What do you want?" I faked a scared voice and he laughed at me.

"I want you dead." His guard came up to me and grabbed me jaw. He slapped me, hard, and laughed but so did I. Suddenly a phone rang and the guard picked it up whilst the boss continued to question me in Russian. 

"Uh sir it's for her." The guard handed the phone to the boss and whatever the person on the other line said scared him so he handed me the phone.

"What i'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything."

at that the boss shook his head and said "me no moron!" I nodded and smirked.

"Sure big guy." I then went back to the conversation.

"What's going on?"

"We need you back at the compound, your brother is injured."

"Ok I'll be right there just give me a second im'a put you on hold." I stood up still scraped to the chair. I walked back in to the guard and smashed the chair on top of him. I then picked up a stray knife and slit the bosses throat. I collected all my gear and picked up the phone, and walked away spraying the only remaining guard in the eyes with pepper spray.

"oh by way which brother?"

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