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Natashas pov

Once y/n left I drifted back to sleep and the smile that a had adorned my lips faded as I sunk into my nightmares. People begging for mercy, gunshots echoing through my skull, all the people I had killed swarming over me like a murder of crows. Whimpers left my mouth and tears slipped unnoticed down my face. 

"Please I have a family!"

"Did you see what I did?" I said in a cold, hard voice. 

My tone was unforgiving and that made the memory worse.

"No I promise! Just let my go home to my daughter-"  BANG. BANG. BANG. One in the head one in the chest and one in the stomach.

I woke up to see Steve hovering over me, shaking me.

"Sorry I just heard you thrashing about in your covers and thought I should wake you up. Do- do you want to talk about it?"

"He had a family, a daughter... Now she doesn't have her father... She is going to be just like me... A monster." My face showed no emotion but tears flooded my eyes and made the world around my blurry and distorted. Steves normally perfect face twisted and wrong. The room, faded and dark. 

"Hey it's ok." Steve pulled me into him and I buried my face into his chest, still not letting any sound out "Its not your fault, you didn't know what you were doing."

"But I did." I retracted from Steve and sunk further into my bed " He wasn't HYDRA Steve."

"Then he was part of the force-"

"He wasn't a policeman either, he was just a man, with a kid, with a family." My voice finally broke and I lay in a crumpled mess in a world of death, destruction and misery. 

"Im- Im going to go get y/n."

"She's in Asgard Steve." 

"No she's not. I saw her down the hall." A mix of emotion flooded through me, my guardian angel was here! She lied to me, why did she lie?!

"Go get her... Please Steve." I chocked up and let sobs rattle through my chest. Seconds later y/n ran through the door and practically threw herself on me.

"Oh sweetie, come here." She whispered sweet nothings in my ears as she stroked my hair out of my face. "You're okay, I'm here my love. You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you, mhmm mhmm mhmm mhmm"

"Why aren't you in Asgard?" I whispered once we had cuddled, napped and sang for about an hour.

"Okay, I lied... It was because I have a surprise for you."

"Ooh I love surprises! Can I have it now?"

"I have to make you dinner first Nat! Now rest I promise those dreams won't dare show thier face again or they'll have me to deal with!" I laughed and threw the duvet over me as y/n blew a kiss and left to cook. After a while of dreamless sleep y/n crept in and told me it was dinner time.

"What are we having?" I asked as we walked hand in hand down the hall.

"You will just have to wait and see!" We got in the elevator and I reached out to press the button to the kitchen but y/n swatted my hand away and pressed the button to the roof. Once the elevator dinged we stepped out and I was hit by the smell of all my favourite foods. There was pizza, pasta, salsa and tortilla chips, everything.

"Okay I know you don't like salad but it's good for you and there isn't much." y/n pointed to a massive bowl of greens. I laughed and we sat down on the blanket watching the sunset.

"Drink my lady?" y/n popped open a coke can and handed it to me.

"Why thank you kind... Lady." We both sat, ate, talked, laughed and listened to music (Hidden in the sand playing multiple times) until it grew dark and the candles and city lights were the only way we could see each other. y/n got up and walked over to the table of food as she did I looked over at the city that I call home, lights sprawled beneath me. A smile fluttered onto my lips and I counted in my head what I had and couldn't live with out.

1) My family of idiots 

2) My perfect girlfriend

3) My perfect friends

4) The perfect place to live

I seem to have hit the jackpot. I soon realised it had been a while since y/n left my side so I stood up and saw her on the other there side of the roof gazing as the last lights from the buildings switched off.

"I have to ask you something." y/n said

"Shoot!" I said with a giggle. A smile tugged on her lips and she turned to face me.

"Natasha I love you more than anything and the time we were apart was like hell. I know we are young, well you are, and I know that we haven't gone out the long but-" y/n dropped down to her knees and butterflies were released In my stomach. "Would you do me the great honour of wearing this ring and claiming me as your other half? I love you so much Nat. Will you marry me?" Tears welled up in my eyes and I crouched so I could be on her level. We kissed, the world span and when we finally pulled apart I gave her my answer.

"I- I can't y/n... No."

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