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y/ns pov

We walked in and hopped into the elevator, Julies little hand still clutching mine. The elevator dinged and we stepped out and everyone turned to meet their new niece.

"Why hello! Now what might your name be little mid-guardian?" Loki knelt down and smiled.

"Im Julie! And you're Loki! I've read your comics!"

Thor leant over to me, still smiling down at Julie, and whispered "What are comics?"  

"There picture books with speech, brother!"

"Hi little one, i'm your Uncle Thor!"

"I'm Uncle Tony!"

"I'm Uncle Steve!"

"I'm Aunt Pepper!"

"I'm Uncle Bruce!"

"I'm Uncle Sam!"

"I'm uncle Bucky!"

"I'm Aunt Shuri!"

"I'm Uncle Loki!"

"I'm Uncle T'challa!"

"Doctor Strange, how are you?"

"Im good, how are you Mr Strange sir?" We all laughed, even Dr Strange cracked a smile, and once everyone had been introduced Natasha saw Julie yawn.

"I think we should show Julie her room and put her to bed!" 

"Ooh can I come?"

"Tony you have to put Morgan to bed!"

"Oh right ok. See you tomorrow Julie!" 

"Night uncle Tony!"

"Uhh how come he gets a goodnight hug? I want one!" Bucky said as he knelt down onto Julies level. Julie smiled and went round and hugged everyone including Strange even though he was still standing. She took my hand and we walked upstairs. 

"Okay sweetie ready to see your room?" Julie nodded and rubbed her eyes. We opened the door and Julie squealed with excitement. 

"This is mine!?"

"Yeah honey!" Natasha walked in with Julie now propped on her hip. I watched her tuck Julie in and walk back to me. 

"Night sweetie." we tried to shut the door but then we heard

"Mum can you stay with me?"

"Sure Hon." We sat either side of her and Nat stroked her hair as I sang Julie to sleep.

We were playing in the sand

And you found a little band                                                                                                                                         You told me you fell in love with it                                                                                                                      Hadn't gone as I planned

When you had to bid adieu
Said you'd never love anew
I wondered if I could hold it
And fall in love with it too

You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you!

Once Julie was asleep we left the room and went into our room next door. 

"I love her."

"Me too..." Natashas voice was distant and wary.

"What's wrong my love?"

"What if- what if we're putting her in danger?"

"Then they'll have the Avengers to deal with." 

"Your right... sorry... Y/n?" But I was already fast asleep curled into Natasha. Soon I woke up to a little knock on our door.

"Come in!" I said in a groggy voice 

"Mum can I sleep with you?" I smiled 

"Of course! Come here." I patted the bed gently in-between Natasha and I.

"Night Sweetcheeks."

"Night mum!"

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