drunk y/n, fun y/n!

415 12 4

Natashas pov

We walked in and immediately y/n went and got drinks.

"Martini please!" She yelled over the music to the barista. He nodded in agreement but not before he undressed her with his eyes. I noticed this, came over and hooked my arm in hers and his smirk dropped off his face.

"I'll have a beer please" I yelled to him. At that moment Tony came over and ordered twenty shots for the six of us. We gathered around table and we all had two shots, well everyone but me. By now y/n was pissed and she dragged me onto the dance floor. Sweet but psycho was playing and she danced and I watched to make sure she didn't fall over and giggled when she tripped.

" Oh she's sweet but a psycho a little bit psycho, at night she's screaming i'm out my mind. Oh she's hot but a psycho so left but sheds right though, at night she's screaming i'm out my mind!" 

Just as y/n was about to order her eighth drink I pulled her away from the bar. I found Wanda making out with some guy and dragged her away as well.

"Loki?! Got the boys?"I yelled over the music. Loki nodded and a drunk Tony and Thor emerged from behind him.

"Time to go home y/n."

"But i'm not tired!" y/n whined.

"No, but you are drunk!" I replied

"Okay!" She replied in much more cheerful tone. Only me and Loki were sober but neither of us knew how to drive so we called a two cabs. Tony, Thor and loki went in the first one and me, Wanda and y/n went in the second one. Wanda got in the front and me and y/n went in the back.

"Don't feel well." y/n moaned. I pulled her into my lap and began to sing.

"You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you!"

And with that she was asleep.

When we arrived I picked y/n up bridal style and loki picked up a sleeping Wanda and we walked back inside. I took y/n to her room and helped her get into her underwear. I tucked her in then realised I don't have a room so I crept around to the other side of the bed took off my dress and got in the other side of the bed, I kissed y/n's forehead and then fell asleep.

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