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Peter = star lord                        Parker = Spiderman  

Natashas pov

I looked at Peter Q and thought about how much of a mess I would be if I lost y/n. Suddenly y/n started singing. She looked at me as she rubbed Peter Qs back.

You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you...

She hummed as Peters breathing slowed.

"Uhhh mr stark what's that?" Parker looked at Tony as Tony looked at the blue-black mist forming. A big purple man appeared and yelled that he was Thanos and was here to eliminate half of the human race.

"Wait Thanos was the guy Bruce was telling me about! Get that gauntlet he only needs two more stones! Stranges time stone and the one in... Visions head! We have to warn Wanda!" Lots of perplexed faces looked back at Tony and he told them he would explain later. I ran up to y/n and heard Peters breath hitch in his throat. 

"Where is she!?" Peter got up and Tony had to hold him back as he tried to go at Thanos. He pointed to a small dagger hanging from Thanos' holster.

"T-that was Gamoras!" Peter half cried, half yelled.

"So you knew my daughter. Lovely!" He said the last word quietly,

"Knew??" I chipped in "Why the past tense grape?" He looked down and was shaking slightly. I took this as an advantage. He was weak so I jumped onto him and held one of my guns to his head whilst Tony wrapped a metal rope around his left arm and Dr Stranges magic cape tied itself onto Thanos' right. I got down from his back as a girl I heard was Mantis jumped up and made Thanos go all drowsy.

"Where is my girlfriend!" Peter stood in front of Thanos, talking, as Parker was pulling off the gauntlet holding the other four infinity stones. "I SAID WHERE IS SHE!!!" 

"S-sh-she is dead. I had no choice." Thanos replied in a small, sad voice.

"N-no!" Peter let a tear slip "NO! OF COURSE YOU HAD A CHOICE!" Peter started hitting Thanos in the head with his guns. The drowsy-ness seemed to have been knocked out of him.

"I got the gauntlet-"Parker flew away and landed 10 feet in the other direction as Thanos grabbed the gauntlet out of Parkers hand. I ran up to Thanos and started fighting, hand to hand until a blow to the stomach made me fly backwards. Next, Tony started to attack him. His suit was falling apart and so Thanos broke a bit off and plunged it into Tonys gut. He staggered back and fell to the floor. As Thanos lifted the pice of metal and was about to finish the job at hand Strange yelled,

"Wait! I'll give you the time stone!" Thanos stoped and walked over to the doctor as I ran to Tonys side. The Dr removed the stone from his funky necklace and gave it to Thanos. Thanos placed it in his gauntlet and then Parker launched himself at Peter,

"You messed up big time!" Parker punched Peter in the face until there was blood, "Mr Stark could have died!"

"Well my girlfriend is dead! And her dad was the culprit!" Peter rolled so he was on top of Parker and started punching back. Strange scrambled over to stop the commotion. Suddenly I looked up and noticed that Thanos was gone.


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