does the suit fit?

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Natashas pov

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. y/n was already gone. I shot up, put some clothes on and ran out of the room.

"What's going on????" I yelled. Tony was in his iron man suit and Loki had his sceptre in hand.

"Mission!" y/n rounded the corner and threw me a leather jumpsuit. "Put it on its my old suit, we'll make you a new one after this mission."

"Wait i'm coming?" I yelled over the hustle.

"Of course you are! Your our best fighter you whooped my arse in under five minutes! Now suit up! Cap yelled. I ran into my room, got changed and stepped out. 

"Wow, just wow!" y/n stared and I giggled.

"Does the suit fit?" Steve asked with his back facing me.

"Did he really... Steve turn around. I think the suit fits." Steve turned around and stared at me.

"Its rude to stare Rodgers." At that he looked away with a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Do you guys have any weapons or do you fight hand to hand?" I asked timidly.

"Oh sugar-cakes, you've got much more than just a suit. Here!" Tony threw me two bracelets that discharge electricity, a holster fitted with two Glock 26s, a couple of smoke bombs and he fitted my back with two dual batons.

"Thanks.. I guess. Oh and also don't call me sweet cakes unless you want caps shield at your throat." He grinned and ran off still lugging the metal suit around. I walked towards y/n who was wearing either of these suits.

 I walked towards y/n who was wearing either of these suits

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"You look stunning y/n!" I said.

"Thanks my love but right now we should probably get in the Qwinjet." As she was saying that she ran to the plane and I followed laughing at what Steve had said.

"does. the. suit. fit!"

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