~Chapter 28~

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Y/n and Itachi sat in a booth as they ate the food that they ordered. Y/n smiled as she took a sip from her drink.

"That was delicious! Thank you Itachi!"

Y/n told Itachi as she gave him a sweet smile, he smiled softly at her as he grabbed her hand and kissed it . He sighed as he gave her a frown.

"I know this isn't the best first date because it was sudden but I promise I'll make the next one better."

Itachi told y/n as she shook her head and smiled at Itachi. It didn't matter where they went as long as they're together that's all that mattered to her.

"I love our date so far though..! I'll accept for our other date but there's nothing wrong with this one so don't worry about it, okay?"

Y/n comforted Itachi as he smiled softly. He loved that she was so understanding especially when it came to little things like these. Itachi and y/n got up and left a tip on the table before they left the restaurant. Itachi noticed a flower shop across the restaurant and smiled at y/n.

"Let's get some flowers for Yuki."

Y/n's eyes brighten up as she nodded her head, she ran over to the store and immediately picked out some flowers that she knew her brother would love. Itachi picked some up as well and went up to go pay at the counter, after they paid they got into the car and made their way towards the cemetery.


Y/n felt chills go through her body as they arrived at the cemetery, she loved visiting Yuki but the thought of the cemetery still terrified her. The both of them walked towards his head stone and placed the flowers done next to it. Y/n leaned down and kissed her fingers and placed them on his name.

"I love you, Yuki."

Y/n whispered out as she sighed, she was never going to get used to missing her brother. Ever since he left things haven't been the same. Of course y/n adapted to having a life without him but it never meant that she wanted this life that had no Yuki in it. Y/n sighed as she grabbed Itachi's hand and looked up at him with a small frown.

"Sorry if this makes you feel weird... I just miss him."

Y/n explained to Itachi as he shook his head, he pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Don't be sorry, I'm sure I would do the same if I were you. Even though I wasn't close to him it still pains me to know that he's gone."

Still in love with you  (Itachi x reader) 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now