~Chapter 13~

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Y/n and Neji were walking back to y/n's house hand in hand. Y/n had to admit she liked the way her hand fit into his but it also didn't feel right. She shook her head as she remembered the scene that happened earlier. They had eventually arrived at her house. They stood at the door as she smiled at each other.

"Would you like to come in? We could watch movies in my room!"

Y/n asked Neji as she grabbed both of his hands. He nodded as he chuckled a bit and ruffled y/n's hair. Y/n opened the door and walked in only to be bombarded with questions by Itachi.

"Where the hell were you? Why is this fucker with you?"

Y/n sighed as she completely ignored Itachi and grabbed Neji's hand. Before she could walk upstairs she was pulled back by Itachi. Y/n tried her best to get away from his grip but it was too strong. Neji glared at Itachi as he tried to grab y/n but he was only stopped by Sasuke.

"I'm sure y/n forgave you but I don't think right now is the best time Neji. Go home please."

Sasuke told Neji making him sigh a bit as he nodded. He smiled at y/n and handed her the bouquet he was holding for her. She smiled softly as he walked out the house. Y/n pushed herself off of Itachi and smacked him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I told you already you're cut off!"

Itachi rubbed his cheek angrily and grabbed y/n's wrist and ran up to his room. Y/n tried her best to get out of his grip but it was too late they were already inside his room. Y/n sat on the corner of the bed trying to avoid Itachi as best as she could. Itachi grabbed her arm only to get his hand smacked away.

"I told you already don't fucking touch me. Besides don't you have a girlfriend? She wouldn't like you touching me."

Y/n told Itachi as she played with her phone not giving a damn. Itachi had enough he grabbed her arm and laid her down. He got on top of her and looked down at her. Y/n's eyes widened as her heart started to beat rapidly from the sudden action. She tried her best to push Itachi away but she got her arms pinned by him.

"Look y/n, what you saw earlier wasn't what you think you saw."

Y/n rolled her eyes as she looked away from Itachi. She tried her best to get out of his grip as she moved her legs against his. Itachi grabbed y/n's face and positioned it to look at him.

"She kissed me y/n I promise. You walked in as soon as she did it."

Y/n felt her chest tighten up as she looked at Itachi. She started to glare at him as she yanked her face away from his hand. She felt a tear slip from her eyes as she looked at the gray walls around the room.

"Still doesn't explain why you avoided me so much to be with her. It makes me think that you wanted to kiss her."

Itachi's eyes widened as he rubbed the tear off her cheek. He shook his head as he sat up a bit to give y/n some space. He smiled softly down at her as he grabbed her hand.

"I wanted to give you some time to write your song. I thought I was being too clingy so I thought I could hangout with her to pass the time. I never looked at her in a romantic way. You're the only one in my eyes."

Y/n sighed as she looked back at Itachi. Maybe she should've gave him some time to explain... She sat up and looked at Itachi with a frown.

"Naruto said that you used to like her though..?"

Itachi immediately started to choke on his spit as he shook his head vigorously. He chuckled a bit as he grabbed y/n's hand.

"She liked me I never liked her back. That idiot always switches up the story."

Y/n nodded as she looked at Itachi. She felt horrible the way she treated him. She went up to him and sat in his lap. He started to blush a bit as he grabbed her waist. Y/n pulled Itachi into a soft kiss. A kiss that they both needed especially y/n. She felt at home with him around. She was happy with him. They pulled apart from the kiss and leaned their forehead's against each other's.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you Itachi... I do care about you and you know that. It's just I changed and now I keep my emotions to myself I'm sorry..."

Itachi smiled as he rubbed her cheek softly. He completely understood y/n because he's just like her. Since they were apart from each other he locked his emotions away so that he couldn't  get close with anybody and get attach just how he did with y/n. Hell he's still attached to her she's everything to him in his eyes.

"It's okay y/n I understand. I just hope that we can both work on that with each other and show our emotions with each other."

Y/n smiled as she hugged Itachi tighter. She was lucky to have someone as understanding as him. Itachi then pulled away and pouted a bit.

"What were you doing with that idiot?"

Y/n laughed as she grabbed his face and pushed his cheeks together. She loved the way he pouted it was a rare sight. She kissed him softly on the lips before she explained.

"I ran into him at the flower store. I forgave him because a close friend lectured him. Trust me she never does that so it meant something to me."

Y/n chuckled as she imagined Hinata scolding Neji while spanking him. Itachi nodded as he looked at y/n again. He then raised an eyebrow.

"What took so long though? The store is close by."

Y/n smiled at Itachi as she laid her head on his shoulder. She hugged Itachi for some comfort as she looked back up at him.

"We went to go visit my brother..."

Itachi immediately hugged y/n to comfort her. He knew that the anniversary of his death is this Sunday. He knew it was such a sensitive thing for y/n. She pulled away and smiled softly at Itachi.

"I miss him Itachi... I want to be alone on Sunday if that's okay with you? Besides isn't that when your family is coming over?"

Y/n asked him as she hugged him tighter. He nodded as he played with her hair. Y/n felt her stress go away as he rubbed her head. She was nervous for tomorrow. She didn't know what to write for her lyrics. She felt stuck as she thought about writing her a song. She looked up at Itachi and pulled him down on the bed.

"Can we take a nap please? I'm super sleepy."

Y/n asked him as she laid down under his blankets. He smiled softly as he nodded and laid down next to her. She hugged Itachi as she thought about tomorrow and sunday. This weekend was going to be rough for her but she knew that she had Itachi if she needed anybody. Before she fell into a deep slumber she whispered some words to Itachi.

"I don't want you talking to that bitch anymore."

Itachi's eyes widened as he chuckled a bit and nodded. He kissed y/n's forehead and fell asleep next to her with his arms wrapped around her. He was happy that they finally made up.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!! Thanks for reading love ya! ❤️

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