~chapter 2~

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F/C -Favorite color
F/S- Favorite scent
H/L- Hair length

"Y/n wake up we have to get ready for school!"

Sasuke yelled as he shook y/n slightly. Y/n smacked Sasuke's hand away as she sat up grumpily. Y/n was never a morning person and Sasuke would always wake her up the worse way.

"Someone looks cute."

Sasuke snorted as he looked at y/n. Her hair was sticking up from head and she had dried drool on her chin. Let's not forget the bags under y/n's eyes.

"Shut up... let me wake up quick. I'll get ready right now."

Y/n told Sasuke as she stretched a bit. Sasuke nodded as he patted y/n's head and walked out the room leaving y/n alone. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time.

𝟼:𝟶𝟶 𝙰𝙼

Y/n smiled a bit as she saw that she had plenty of time to get ready. School didn't start till 7:30 for the both of them. Y/n got up as she grabbed a F/C towel and went to start her hot morning shower.

"I wonder how today will be..."

Y/n thought to herself as the hit water hit her body. Y/n grabbed her F/S shampoo as she rubbed it through her hair and scalp.

"I hope no one brings up Itachi today. Sasuke will definitely beat their ass if that were to happen."

Y/n thought to herself as she smiled a bit. She was glad that she had Sasuke in her life. He was like a overprotective brother and she loved it. She didn't know what she would do without him. Time had gone by as she stepped out the steaming shower and wrapped herself in her towel. Y/n looked into the mirror as she rubbed face cream onto her face. She was naturally beautiful within and out. Every girl wished that they could be like y/n. Just like Sasuke she had guys that would kiss her feet where she went.

"Alright then let's get ready for school!"

——————Timeskip brought to you by Sasuke's tomatoes!———————

Y/n walked down the stairs as she ran her hands through her H/L hair. She noticed that Sasuke was making pancakes which were always y/n's favorite. She hugged Sasuke as he flipped a pancake.

"Ahh!! My favorite!"

Y/n awed as her mouth watered. Sasuke chuckled a bit as he placed some pancakes on a plate for the both of them. They both sat down at the table and started to eat.

"You ready for today?"

Sasuke asked y/n as he sighed a bit. He wasn't ready to be bombarded by his fan girls. Y/n chuckled as she saw Sasuke sigh. She nodded her head as she ate her last piece of pancake.

"Yeah! I miss my friends! It's been awhile since we've hung out with them."

Y/n smiled at Sasuke as he nodded a bit. It was true they were too busy moving out of their old apartments and moving into their new place. Not only that but they were practicing playing together and their music. Sasuke's alarm went off which let him know that it was time to start heading to school.

"Let's go it's time to go to school. I'll drive us."

Sasuke told y/n as she nodded and ran to put her shoes on. She swung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed Sasuke's bag. As y/n walked out she noticed that Sasuke had already started the car. She smirked as she looked at the car. He had a nice ass car!
(Picture above!)

"You ready to go?"

Sasuke asked y/n as she sat down and nodded her head. Y/n grabbed the Aux cord and started to play music for the both of them. Music was the thing that helped the both of them bond and become so close to each other.
Y/n started tapping her feat to the beat of the music as Sasuke sung the lyrics. Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at him.

"I never knew that you knew how to sing...!!"

Y/n laughed as she held onto her stomach. Sasuke got a tick mark on his forehead as he smacked y/n's head softly. Y/n then started to laugh harder as she rubbed the part that he hit her at.

"Idiot. Of course I know how to sing! I'm a uchiha."

Sasuke told y/n as he cockily smirked at y/n. She rolled her eyes as she changed the song to a party song. She started dancing in the car causing the Uchiha to laugh at her silliness.

————————At the school!————————

The both of them got off the car as they grabbed their stuff and swung their bag over their shoulders. Sasuke had an emotionless face as he sighed. Y/n chuckled a bit at the reaction Sasuke had made. Unlike Sasuke, y/n would always have a smile on her face during school. Which is the one of the reason boys would admire her. No one would expect the both of them to be friends because how completely opposite they were. Y/n knew that he only showed his playful side when it came to people he cared about.

"Don't look so sad Sasuke! Your fan girls are waiting for you!"

Y/n teased Sasuke as he glared at y/n only to make her laugh. Y/n grabbed Sasuke's arm and started to walk to their class. As soon as they walked into class everybody started to yell out their names.

"Sasuke!! Y/n! Over here!"

A hyper blonde yelled as he waved his arms vigorously. Y/n waved as she grabbed Sasuke's wrist and ran towards the boy. She gave Naruto a hug as he chuckled a bit.

"It's been so long y/n! How have you been! What about you Sasuke!"

Naruto asked as he sat down with the both of them. All the girls and guys started to surrounded the three of them as they admired y/n and Sasuke.

"We've been good. We moved in together."

Sasuke told Naruto in his usual monotone voice. Every girl and guy started to freak out as they heard what Sasuke said. Naruto eyes widened as he pointed between the both of them.

"You guys are dating..!?!?"

Y/n and Sasuke chocked on their spit at the sudden question. They both turned red as they shook their head. Y/n started to chuckle as she calmed herself down a bit.

"No you dummy! We see each other as siblings! But we moved in together because we would always spend the night at each other's place so we thought that we might as well move in together."

Y/n answered Naruto as everybody calmed down when they realized that the 'siblings' weren't dating. Naruto nodded as he apologized to the both of them. Y/n then heard someone call out her name. It was Neji Hyuga the boy who had feelings for y/n. Neji thought that he's been hiding his feelings pretty good but it was super obvious to y/n.

"Hey y/n it's been awhile."

Neji told y/n as she smiled a bit and nodded. He sat in front of her as he turned around in his chair to look at y/n. He smirked a bit as he observed y/n. She got more beautiful than last year.

"You look gorgeous today y/n."

Y/n eyes widened a bit at the sudden compliment he gave her. She started chuckling a bit as she covered her face in a playful way as she laughed harder.

"No pictures please! No paparazzi today please!"

Y/n chuckled as she put her hands down. Sasuke rolled his eyes as he chuckled a bit. The girls started to squeal as they saw Sasuke chuckle.

"Alright class! Sit down in your seats!"

Everybody turned around as they saw their teacher. He had a mask but you could clearly see his smile under it. Everybody sat down in their seats as they said bye to y/n and Sasuke.
Sasuke sighed as he looked at y/n tiredly.

"I already hate school."

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I promise Itachi will show up soon but we have to get this storyline lol ('̀-'́)
Thanks for reading guys love ya! ❤️

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