~Chapter 41~

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Skip this chapter and go to chapter 40 and then come back!! Wattpad published it weird sorry you guys!! ❤️


☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎☯︎︎(Credits go to the artist for this gif!! Not my art!)

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(Credits go to the artist for this gif!! Not my art!)


It's been a couple of month's that y/n has been training in the Uchiha's training hall and also working her ass off in school in order to get a scholarship. Y/n panted as she blocked every move from Madara, he smirked as he tried to kick y/n on the back of the legs. Y/n smirked as she backflipped and caught herself with the palm of her hands, she kicked the back of Madara legs and knocked him down onto the mat in one single move.

"Looks like the tables have turned!"

Y/n told Madara as he looked at her with a small smile. Itachi smiled as he walked over to y/n and wrapped his arm around her waist, she kissed Itachi on the lips as she let her hair down from the ponytails that she had. Itachi blushed a bit as he looked at y/n, everything that she did always made him weak in the knees. Madara smiled as he stood up and looked at y/n, he held his hand out towards her and smirked.

"It was lovely working with you."

Madara told y/n making her eyes widened, she shook her head as she looked into his eyes.

"What do you mean..? You're not leaving me are you?!"

Y/n asked Madara as she grabbed his arm and pouted a bit. You see, in these last couple of months Madara and y/n grew a father and daughter relationship. It was weird since Madara never had a daughter and y/n never had a father figure in her life but yet they played the role so perfectly. Madara chuckle as he flicked y/n's forehead.

"I'm not leaving you, idiot. We're done with training though, I've taught you everything that I know."

Madara told y/n as he smiled down at her, Y/n looked at Itachi and grinned.

"Does that mean that I can defend myself now?!"

Y/n asked happily as she looked back at Madara, he chuckled a bit as he nodded his head. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she grabbed Madara's hand and kissed it softly, his eyes widened as he looked at y/n.

"Thank you for teaching me how to defend myself. I know this might sound weird but I'm glad that I got close to you these past couple of months."

Y/n told Madara as she wiped her tears away with a smile. Madara smiled softly as he patted y/n's head and ruffled her hair a bit.

"I'm glad we got close too, y/n. I see you like a daughter in my eyes, just because I'm done training you doesn't mean that you can't come to me if you need help with anything."

Madara told y/n as he looked down at her, y/n cheeks turned rosy as she smiled softly at Madara and nodded her head. Itachi walked over to y/n and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"You ready to go? We have to get things ready for you graduation."

Itachi told y/n as he smiled at her and pecked the top of her head. She nodded her head as she smiled softly, she bowed to Madara and waved.

"Bye! I'll come visit soon!"

Y/n told Madara as she ran to pick up her things and waved bye to him, Madara waved as he smiled softly. Itachi and y/n walked out the Uchiha training hall and walked towards his car. Itachi chuckled as he held y/n's hand and kissed it softly.

"I have no idea on how you make my family fall in love with you."

Itachi told y/n as he chuckled a bit, he opened the door for y/n and then got inside the car from his side. Y/n chuckled as she looked at Itachi and sassily flipped her hair.

"It's because I'm the best!~"

Y/n told Itachi as she laughed, Itachi rolled his eyes as he started the car. He started to smirk as he looked over at y/n.

"You're not wrong~"

Itachi teased y/n making her cheek turn red, she looked away so that he couldn't see her blush. Itschi chuckled as backed his car up and finally drove off towards the house. Y/n felt vibrating in her pocket, she pulled her phone out and saw that Ino was calling.


"Hey! It's been awhile since we've hung out! Wanna go dress shopping with us tomorrow for graduation?"

Ino asked y/n happily, y/n started to grin as she nodded her head happily.

"Yeah of course! I was going to ask you guys that today actually! Text all the info in the group chat!"

Y/n told Ino as she heard her say 'okay' of the phone. Y/n was about to hang up until she heard Ino call out her name suddenly.

"Oh yeah, y/n! I forgot to tell you! We're holding a party for graduation would you guys be able to perform again?"

Ino asked with hope in her voice. Y/n chuckled as she noticed that Itachi and her barely arrived at the house.

"Yeah I'd love to! I just need to let Sasuke know so I'll keep you updated when I ask him. I need to go though I'll text you the info when I find out!"

"Okay bye!"

Ino yelled in the phone as she hung up the call. Y/n got out the car and walked into her home with Itachi, she yelled Sasuke's name out only to realize that he wasn't home. Y/n started chuckling as she put her things down on the counter.

"I bet you anything that he's with Sakura right now."

Y/n told Itachi as she chuckled a bit, lately Sasuke has been out the house and had been spending all his time with Sakura. It's not like y/n minded though she was happy that her best friend found a girlfriend, besides it gave her more time with Itachi. Y/n stretched as she began to run her hand through her hair.

"I'm going to shower quick, okay?"

Y/n told Itachi as she took her shoes off and placed them at the place they usually leave them at. Itachi smirked as he walked over to y/n and pulled her in by the waist.

"Can I join you?~"

Itachi asked as he began to kiss y/n on the neck. She started to blush furiously as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She smirked back at Itachi as she looked around the house and then back at him.

"I mean Sasuke isn't home so we can make all the noise that we want~"

Y/n told Itachi making him smirk even more. Y/n grabbed Itachi's hand and began to walk towards her room where her bathroom was at. Itachi locked the door behind him and smiled at y/n.

"I've been needing you, school's been stressful lately. I need to let all my stress out~"

Itachi whispered into y/n's ear in a sexily way, she blushed a bit as she smiled at Itachi.

"What are we waiting for then?"

Does this mean that there's going to be a lemon for the next chapter? Yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you have any recommendations please let me know! I also wanted to thank you guys for all the support that you guys give me it's crazy! I love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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