~Chapter 15~

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The song y/n is singing is on top!! Just scroll to the second one :)


Everyone started to test their instrument out making sure that they were amplified. Y/n was a bit bummed out as she stayed still looking at the mic. Naruto pulled her into the group circle and smiled.

"Don't be down y/n! Let's just have fun!"

Naruto told everyone especially y/n as he fist pumped. Everyone nodded with a smile as y/n stood their expressionless. She never knew how people could show their emotions. She walked up towards the front as she stayed in her thoughts.

"I think I'm really bad at expressing myself, compared to everyone else... I'm jealous that they know how to express themselves."

Y/n thought to herself as she held her guitar tightly. She felt the world spin around her as she shook a bit. She hated feeling like this it made her feel like it she was the outsider. She noticed that the curtain started to raise as everyone started to cheer out their names. She still couldn't snap out of her thoughts though.

"But even in reality, even if I really wanted to.. I just can't! I can't laugh like others and I can't cry!"

Y/n thought to herself as she began to play the opening of the song Sasuke wrote. Everyone seemed as if they were having fun playing there together. Itachi was in the crowd frowning a bit as he realized that y/n was in her thoughts.

"I can't cry properly, and it hurts so bad... I want to scream and let people know what it feels like... even if it's just for a little bit..!"

Y/n yelled in her mind as she got closer to the mic playing her guitar. Everyone cheered at y/n as she played the guitar. She took a deep breath and started to sing.

"Just like... snow that hasn't completely melted."

Everyone's eyes widened as they heard y/n sing. They didn't expect her to sing out on the spot. Itachi was especially surprised he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He realized that this was his first time hearing her voice... it sounded angelic.

"In the shade I continue on with these feelings inside of me... please tell me how am I supposed to close this door on this love!"

Y/n sung into the mic as she felt her heart tighten up. She felt weird that she was finally letting out her feelings. It's been so long since she's felt like this.. she played her brother's guitar as she continued to sing.

"Your everything has lost its tomorrow and is now wandering around eternally... Along with me who was unable to move on and say goodbye!"

Y/n cried her heart out as she stayed there playing the guitar. Everyone looked at y/n and realized just how much pain she had deep in her heart. Itachi wanted to take that pain away from her and he would do anything to help her. Y/n couldn't stop thinking about her brother as she continued to sing.

Just like... a spell that won't break!!"

Y/n yelled out as she closed her eyes. She remembered when her little brother found her sitting at a tree alone crying. He immediately knew that y/n and Itachi got into a fight and started to comfort her. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the memory as she continued to have more memories.

"Hey? what kind of tomorrow am I supposed to look in this town?"

Y/n asked Yuki in her mind as she played his guitar. Y/n remembered how much Yuki loved her. He would go out of his way and write songs for her on her birthday. She remembered whenever she was feeling down he would always be there for here. Y/n started to tear up as she realized how ungrateful she was as she remembered their argument they had before his death. It was exactly one year ago today...

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