~Chapter 12~

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It's been a full week since time had passed by. It was now Friday afternoon. Y/n and the band were practicing only to hear a loud groan from Sasuke.

"Naruto! That's the wrong note!"

Sasuke yelled at Naruto leaving the blonde boy to flip off Sasuke and practice his own thing. TenTen laughed in the back as she practiced her drumming. Sasuke looked at y/n and smiled a bit.

"Have you wrote any lyrics, y/n?"

Y/n shook her head as she sat down on a stool. She couldn't focus on writing lyrics because if two reasons. One because of Itachi and the other is because of her brother. Itachi has been ignoring y/n completely just to be with Izumi. Y/n sighed as she held her guitar tighter. She also couldn't stop thinking about her brother. The anniversary of his death was coming soon and she didn't know how to deal with it. She was scared that she would fall into melancholy.

"I'm sorry I haven't written anything..."

Y/n sweat dropped as she scratched her neck nervously. Sasuke sighed as he patted y/n's back and kissed her temple. Sasuke smiled at y/n and sat down next to her.

"It's ok. Just try please we only have one more day. If you can't come up with anything we could always just play the melody we have."

Y/n smiled as she nodded and hugged Sasuke. As y/n put down her guitar she felt her phone vibrate. She took it out only to be shocked on who texted her.

Neji: Hey... I'm really sorry about what happened. Could we possibly meet up?"

Y/n showed everyone the phone making Sasuke shake his head immediately telling y/n no. As for Naruto he just shrugged his shoulders. TenTen smiled at y/n and put her drumsticks in her backpack and zipped it up.

"I forgot to tell you, y/n. Neji got a huge scolding from Hinata! I know they're saying no but I think you should go see what's up! Maybe he changed because Hinata hardly scolds him."

Y/n thought for a second before she shrugged her shoulders and put her phone back in her pocket. She smiled at TenTen and hugged her.

"I'll think about it. Are you heading out though?"

TenTen nodded as she hugged y/n back and hugged the rest of the boys. She smiled at everyone as she walked towards the door.

"Yeah! I have to help my mom set up some things."

Everybody nodded as she walked out the door leaving the three of them. Sasuke put his bass away as he threw himself onto the sofa. Naruto jumped on Sasuke making him groan in pain and making y/n laugh in the background. Y/n walked up upstairs to put her guitar away. As she was walking back downstairs she heard some mumbling in Itachi's room. She decided that she would pay him a visit if he's too busy to see her.


Y/n's eyes widened as she saw Izumi and Itachi kissing. Itachi immediately pushed Izumi away from the kiss as he wiped his mouth. His eyes widened as he looked at y/n. Y/n only shook her head as she slammed the door. She walked down the stairs while Itachi called out her name in the background. She was done. She was done sticking up with his bullshit. So much for that bastard 'loving' her.

"Y/n! Please!"

Itachi grabbed her wrist making her yank her arm away. She slapped Itachi on the cheek as she shook her head. Everybody's eyes widened at the loud noise the slap made. Y/n only glared at Itachi as she stood in front of him.

"So much for loving me huh, uchiha? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. Well what could I say? At least we weren't dating I guess?"

Y/n told Itachi as she shrugged her shoulders not giving a damn about the scene she saw earlier. She was tired of crying for Itachi. She'll show him just how much y/n has changed over the time he was gone. Itachi felt his heart break as he saw y/n not caring about the situation. He tried to grab y/n's hand again only to be stopped by her again.

"Don't touch me. I'm done dealing with your bullshit. You're cut Itachi. I'm cutting you out of my life."

Y/n told Itachi as she gave him an empty look. Itachi eyes widened as he looked into her eyes. They were dull they had no emotion. Itachi tried grabbing y/n as tears slipped down his cheek. Y/n could only smirk as she walked away from everyone and walked out the door.

"I'm done crying for him. It's his turn to cry fuck you, Itachi."

Y/n thought to herself as she shook her head. She felt like punching a wall as she walked around the streets of her city. She was tired of always being the one who was mistreated.

"Yuki if only you were here. You would've beaten his ass for me."

Y/n chuckled a bit as she pushed all the negative thoughts behind her mind. Y/n decided that she would stop by a flower place to pick up some flowers for Yuki and the house. As she walked in she looked around the store and picked up some flowers. As she reached out for a certain flower she felt her hand collide with someone else's.


Y/n looked up only to see Neji looking back down at her. She was about to yank her hand away until Neji gave her the bouquet of flowers he was collecting.

"These were for you. I just want to say sorry for the way I acted. I realized that it wasn't right and trust me Hinata made sure that went through my head..."

Y/n looked down at the flowers in awe as she realized that it was all of her favorite flowers. Y/n smiled a bit as she grabbed them from his hands. She looked up at Neji and nodded.

"Alright you're forgiven. Only because of Hinata though! I know how she could get. If you act that way again I'm kicking your ass and leaving you!"

Y/n told Neji making him nod his head repeatedly. Y/n smiled a bit as she picked up some more flowers. Neji walked around with her as he looked at her curiously.

"If you don't mind me asking why are you getting flowers around this time of year? It's winter."

Y/n looked at Neji as she smiled a bit. She went up to the lady so that she could make it into a bouquet. As they paid they walked out the store together.

"I'm going to go visit my brother at his tombstone. I wanted to pick up some flowers for him."

Y/n told Neji as she smiled at him. Neji eyes widened a bit as he shook his head. He never knew that she had a brother. He then realized that his question could've been rude.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to be rude!"

Y/n chuckled a bit as she shook her head. She grabbed Neji's hand and started to walk with him. She liked this side of him. He was actually being himself around y/n and that made her happy. It was wayyy much better than last time.

"It's okay! Would you like to come with me?"

Y/n asked Neji making him feel taken back from the offer y/n had gave to him. He grabbed y/n's hand back and nodded. They walked towards the graveyard and walked towards Yuki's tombstone. Y/n smiled as she put the flowers down at the tombstone and hugged it. She missed her brother more than anything especially at times like this. His anniversary was on Sunday. Just two days away. She sighed as she got back up and kissed her hand and placed her hand on the tombstone. Neji smiled as he set down some flowers that he bought as well. Y/n smiled as she hugged Neji.

"Thank you Neji. That's sweet of you."

I hope you like the chapter guys!! What'll happen between you and Itachi? Oooo what about you and Neji! Thanks for reading guys love ya! ❤️

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