~Chapter 17~

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Y/n sat up in bed as she finally woke up from sleeping in the whole day. She looked at her clock and sighed a bit. It was 4 in the afternoon. Y/n stretched a bit as she got up to open her closet. She put on a black denim jacket with a turtle neck under and put on some blue rolled jeans. She grabbed her car keys and walked downstairs. As she was walking downstairs she heard talking in the kitchen. Everybody looked up at y/n and smiled a bit.

"I thought they wouldn't be here this earlier..."

Y/n thought to herself as she saw Sasuke's and Itachi's parents smiling at her. Y/n faked a smile and walked towards the family.

"I'm so sorry for not welcoming you guys here. I missed the both of you so much!"

Y/n told the both of them as she hugged the both of them. They both nodded and hugged y/n back. Even though their father doesn't show a lot of emotion he had a special spot for y/n.

"It's been awhile y/n! You've grown so much! You look beautiful!"

Mikoto told y/n as she grinned at y/n spinning her a bit. Fugaku smiled as he nodded a bit and he sat back down at the table.

"You've grown into a beautiful lady, y/n. Itachi you better marry her soon."

Fugaku said as he took a sip from his drink smiling at bit at Itachi. He started to blush as he looked away. Y/n felt a bit better as she chuckled a bit. Sasuke and Itachi smiled as they looked at y/n. They were happy that she showed a little bit of happiness. Y/n sat down in between of the brother's and poured herself some tea.

"So tell me y/n! How have you been?"

Mikoto asked y/n as she took a bite of her food. Y/n faked a smile as she sipped on her drink. Both of the boys tensed up as they looked at y/n.

"I've been good! I've been playing music with Sasuke and focusing on my career."

Y/n lied to the both of them as she sipped on her drink again. They smiled at y/n as they nodded. Fugaku smiled as he placed his drink down on the table.

"We're glad to hear that y/n. How's your family doing? What about your other brother?"

Itachi and Sasuke tensed up again as they gave a look to their father to drop the subject but it was too late. Y/n sighed as she put her drink completely down.

"I don't talk to my parents anymore for personal reasons. And for my brother... he passed away a year ago."

Y/n told the both of them as she looked back up at the both of them. They immediately shook their head as they frowned.

"We're so sorry..! Oh my god!"

Y/n faked a smile as she nodded her head understanding. She stood up from the table and fixed her jacket.

"It's okay..! You didn't know. Well I have to excuse myself, I have to do some important things I hope you understand!"

Y/n told everybody as she bowed a bit and started to walk towards the door. Y/n then felt someone grab her hand as she turned around. Mikoto smiled as she let go of her hand softly.

"Honey you're part of the family, we're here for you if you need anything."

"Don't be scared to talk to us, like mikoto said you're part of the family."

Both of the parents said comforting y/n a bit. Y/n teared up a bit as she nodded slightly. She hugged the both of them and smiled a bit.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me knowing that I have a family."

Still in love with you  (Itachi x reader) 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now