~Chapter 44~

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Y/n walked around with TenTen as she smiled at her. Tenten and the rest of the girls had already found their dresses it was time for y/n to finally look for her dresses.

"So two dresses right? One for the graduation and then the party, right?"

Y/n asked as all the girls nodded their heads. Ino smiled as she leaned against the wall next to the fitting rooms.

"Better go all out girl! For the graduation and the party!"

Ino told y/n as everyone nodded their heads. Sakura chuckled mischievously as she wiggled her eyebrows at y/n.

"You should get a cute innocent dress for the graduation! Then when it comes the party you should wear a revealing dress to shock everyone and Itachi!!"

Sakura told y/n making her blush a bit at the idea. Y/n started to smirk as she thought about it, the thought of Itachi's face changing at the sight of her from going innocent to sexy made her excited. She nodded her head as she smirked at all the girls.

"I like the sound of that!! Hell yeah I'm super excited now!"

Y/n told the girls as she started to look around the store. The girls helped as they also walked around the store to look for the perfect dress. Y/n eyes landed on this cute black dress, it looked like a dress that business professionals would wear. She awed at the dress as she ran her fingers through it, she could already imagine herself wearing the dress. Y/n smiled as she looked at it.

"I want to look powerful. the Uchiha family is going to be there too. Whenever they're around they always look professional so I should join in too~"

Y/n thought to herself as she smirked. She held it up and smiled at the girls.

"I think I'll try this one for the graduation! I just need the party one!"

Y/n yelled as all the girls smirked, Ino quickly grabbed the dress from Sakura'a hands and held it up.

"We found the dress already!"

Ino told y/n as he smirked at her. Y/n raised her eyebrow as she walked towards them and looked at the dress. It was a dark red satin dress, it looked a lot like the dress she wore for the last party but this time it had a little bit more. Y/n blushed as she ran her hand through the most revealing part. The dress had cuts on the sides that went all the way up to her chest, the only thing that would be covered would be her boobs, her private area, and her butt. Y/n blushed even more as she looked up at them.

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