
797 27 1

September 18th, 2020


You know you're in deep shit when your girl don't talk to you for two weeks. And when she does, it involves the baby.

Smiley 😋😍💕

Ally, come on.
It's been two weeks.

The number you've tried to reach is no longer available.

I roll my eyes.

Ally 😩

She reads it but doesn't answer. I toss my phone onto the bed again, walking toward the bathroom with my hands on my head. I lean against the counter as I try to brainstorm what to do to get back into her good graces.

See, she's the kind of person that you don't want to play with. I literally learned that the hard way when she went off on me. She said some pretty hurtful things, but it was because she was hurt. And I was the one who had did that to her. She kept her patience with me for as long as she could because I am quite a handful.

My friend Tahj was out here in L.A. with me. He trains with me and the team from time to time. He's one of the people in my close friends circle.

I go to pick up my phone off the bed, texting him.

Tahj Mahal 💯💪

Yo bro, where you at?

He doesn't read it immediately, but when he does he starts typing.

I'm pulling up to the house right now

I'll tell you when you get in


I then lock my phone, tossing it back onto the bed. I grab my bag from the closet and pack some stuff into it.

"Yo!" I hear Tahj call when he comes into the rental home.

"I'm in my room." I respond.

He comes in as I'm throwing shit into my bag.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I need you to drive me to the airport in like five minutes." I say, grabbing my phone off the bed.

"Why? What for?" He asks me.

"There's an emergency in Philly that I have to take care of." I exclaim, in the middle of texting Darren about getting the plane ready.

"Don't tell me then." He states, turning away to leave the room. "Come on."

I finish packing the bag and follow him out to his car.

* * *

I walk through the door of my house, closing it behind me. I see Ally sitting on the couch as I enter the foyer.

"What's up?" I ask, holding my arms out in confusion as she looks at me. "Your phone don't work?"

"Why are you here?" She asks.

"You can't seem to answer your phone, so I figured I would make a physical appearance to get your attention." I tilt my head to the side.

"You flew 3,000 miles for no reason then?" She purses her lips.

I close my eyes and inhale through my nose. Then I open them and look at her.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I exclaim.

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