
626 27 2

January 18th, 2021


I'm on ten weeks of pregnancy and I'm beginning to show a little more than I was two weeks ago. Two more weeks of this sickness and I can finally be free. I don't wanna get too far ahead of myself because that can all end in the snap of a finger.

The Sixers haven't played since the 16th, and they also have tomorrow off. It's fun having Ben home, but it's also a little frustrating. He spends a lot of his time on the game and I only get to see him maybe once or twice during the day. I understand the NBA can be very time consuming and tiring, but I'm literally having this man's baby.

I don't know. Complaining isn't in my blood.

I pick up Liam's toys off the floor, then carry him upstairs to his room and put him in his crib. He yawns and turns over, getting ready to fall asleep. I pack away the toys I was able to grab before heading back downstairs to get the rest of the toys.

Ben was entering the house from the backyard when I got down there. He had just taken the dogs out to handle their business.

"Hey A." He said.

"Hi." I respond, walking into the kitchen shortly after.

He goes into the bathroom to wash his hands and stuff, before coming into the kitchen as well.

"So while I was out there watching the dogs run around, I arranged for us to have dinner tonight." He said.

I look up at him. "Oh?"

He nods. "I figure I do something to show my appreciation for you."


"Besides, I'm sure we could both use a well needed date night. Just the two of us."

I place my hand on my hip, looking down.

"Where is all of this coming from?" I ask him.

He chuckles. "Karma has been kicking my ass royally, and I know I owe you an unimaginable debt. It's time I start paying it."

"You don't have to force yourself to do anything just to make me feel better." I shake my head at him. "I'm okay."

"Are you though? You may not say it, but I can see by the look on your face sometimes that you're still hurt." He said.

I shrug. "I don't know anymore Ben."

He sighs, sitting down on the stool at the island counter. I stand at the end of the counter, pursing my lips as I grip the sides of the marble top.

"There's still something in the back of my mind that makes it hard to believe that what happened had really happened." I frown. "I've moved on from it, and I feel like I've healed, but deep down I'm still scarred."

He reaches out for my hand and I accept it. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his neck as he wraps his left arm around my back. He leaves a few kisses on my cheek and rubs small circles along my back.

"You don't have to explain yourself anymore Ally." He mumbled. "I'm paying the price for it now. And I will not stop until I've proven my worth to you."

I nod into his neck, taking in his manly scent. He moves his hand down to my lower back. We just sit there in a comfortable silence, enjoying one another's company.

* * *

I decided to keep my outfit for tonight simple. Blue high waist skinny jeans and a black cropped top. I had on black open toe platform heels and a jean jacket to match my pants. My hair was pulled up into a bun and I wore the bare minimum of make up.

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