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March 3rd, 2021


It's the Sixers last game before All-Star break. Liam and I were finally able to make it to a game. I questioned it at first because I wanted to keep us all safe, but if Ben is hopping from city to city playing ball, then I can't freak out too much.

Tomorrow I have another OBGYN appointment because I'm going on my 16th week of pregnancy. The appointments are a little tiring, but it comes with the territory of being pregnant.

Tonight we're sitting in a suite with about five other people, Jasmine being one of those people. Liam and I are wearing our matching Simmons jerseys with white long sleeve shirts under. Liam has on black jeans and I'm wearing black sweatpants to accommodate my stomach. The both of us wore white low top Air Force 1 sneakers. My hair was out in its mass of curls for the occasion.

It's fun seeing Ben in action up close and personal again. The last time this happened, I was sitting on the bench with the staff and personnel. That was about a year ago. Or maybe two, who knows?

After our disagreement the other day, we sat down and had a very lengthy conversation about our future together. It wasn't easy hearing the things I heard, but it's what I needed to hear. He made it clear that he wasn't going to put me in any difficult situations because he knows how hollow I can become from it.

Despite that, we made our standards clear for one another and we have a mutual understanding. None of us are willing to risk our happiness.

I sit down with Liam in my lap, facing the plexiglass. I had noise canceling headphones on his ears because it is pretty loud in here, despite the low capacity of fans in attendance. Then you have the music that's being played and all that, so yeah.

"How many points do you think he'll have tonight?" Jasmine asked, putting a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

I shrug. "I don't really bet on those kind of things. I just want him to come out of it injury free."

She nods in agreement to that. "True."

Ben is very injury prone. As well as every other athlete in the world. It's unfortunate to see any of them go down with an injury because you know how much effort they put into their game, and for an injury to disrupt that must be heartbreaking.

"I couldn't imagine being pregnant and having to cater to an injured fiancé, as well as a one year old." She said.

"I try not to think about it." I answer. "I just know he's trying his best."

She nods at that too. "All that matters is that you're both on the same page with things."

I nod, allowing Liam to play with my fingers. He probably didn't understand a thing that was happening, but he liked the lights. Sixers Franklin made an appearance before the game started, waving at Liam and taking a picture with him.

So far the game is going pretty good. The Jazz are giving the Sixers a fight, which makes the game even more interesting to watch. My boys are fighters though, so let's see just how far they're willing to go.

* * *

The game ended up going overtime, but the Sixers were able to prevail for the 123-131 win over Utah. It had us on the edge of our seats, I'll tell you that much. At least they know they're ending the first half of the season on a good note.

At the end of the game, Jasmine, Liam, and I were able to head toward the team locker room. There we ran into Nate and Tahj.

"I didn't know you guys were here." I exclaim, hugging them both.

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