
432 20 2

December 25th, 2021


It's Christmas morning. We have a four day old, a four month old, and a twenty-two month old starting tomorrow. Babies, babies, babies.

"If you told me four years ago that I would be a mom of three, and engaged to be married, I would have laughed in your face." I say, sitting up against the headboard.

Ben chuckles at my exclamation. I look over at him and he smiles at me.

"We have three kids." I say.

"I know. It's insane." He said. "Six if you count the dogs."

"Can't forget about the dogs." I smile, looking straight ahead again. "Seven if we count you."

He sucks his teeth as I smirk.

Ben has a game in a few hours, so we're planning to open gifts now. Or in a couple minutes at least. I just had to get my thoughts together.

"I'll go wake up Jasmine." Ben volunteered.

I nod, watching him get out of the bed. She's staying with us for a couple days to heal. After New Years though, she's headed to Seattle to start the new job. Yeah, she got it.

I get up and go into the bathroom, brushing my teeth. Then I tie my hair up into a bun and leave the bathroom.

I head toward Liam's room. He's facing the back of his crib, sleeping soundly. I rub his back gently to wake him up.

"Hey buddy." I exclaim. "It's Christmas."

He groans, turning to face me. He blinks for a few seconds, then rubs his eyes.

"Hi baby." I smile at him.

"Hi mama." He answers.

"You ready to open presents?" I ask him.

He nods. Then he sits up and I help him out of the crib. I kiss his cheek as I hoist him up onto my waist.

"Ugh, my baby boy." I pout. "You're getting so big."

He smiles at me. I smile back, pulling his pajama shirt down. I kiss his forehead and place him down onto the floor. He looks up at me as I hold his little hand.

"Let's go get your brother and sister." I say, leading him out of the room.

On the way to Ryder's room, we see Ben coming out with Ryder in his arms.

"Looks like daddy beat us to it." I grin.

"It comes with the territory of being a professional ball player." Ben winks.

"Yeah, whatever." I playfully roll my eyes.

Right after I say that, Jasmine comes out of the guest room with Karlie.

"Are we ready?" I ask them.

They nod and we head downstairs. The tree we had set up in the living room was full with gifts. Most of them belonging to the kids.

"What is it that these babies don't have?" Jasmine chuckles.

"Beats me." I grin.

Liam releases my hand, running over to the tree. Ben follows behind him with Ryder in his arms. Jasmine stood next to me, gently patting Karlie on the back. I smile as she gently presses her cheek to Karlie's.

"You know we're going to miss you, right?" I ask her.

"I know." She replied.

"But you have to do what's best for you." I rub her back.

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